Name | : | Agroradix : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian | |
Inisial | : | JA | |
Frequency | : | Two issues a year (July, December) | |
Online ISSN | : | 2621-0665 | |
Editor-in-chief | : | Istiqomah, S.P., M.P | |
Publisher | : | Fakultas Pertanian UNISDA Lamongan |
AGRORADIX: is a research journal published by agriculture faculty, Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum (UNISDA). Agroradix provides a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the scope of plant/crop science, agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding - tissue culture, hydroponic/soil less cultivation, soil plant science, plant protection. and agribusiness. This journal is published twice times annually, July and December.
Agroradix has been indexed in Portal Garuda, Dimension, Google Scholar, Sinta, and DOAJ. Agroradix has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: 204/E/KPT/2022 PERIOD: Volume 4 No. 2, 2021 until Volume 8 No. 1 (SINTA 6)
ISSN : 2621-0665