Identity Politics In Wali Nagari Silantai Election

  • Arif Hardika Putra Department of Political Science of Andalas University
  • Irawati Irawati Department of Political Science of Andalas University
  • Andri Rusta Department of Political Science of Andalas University
  • Mhd Fajri Department of Political Science of Andalas University
Keywords: Identity politics, PILWANA, Political elite


The purpose of this study is to provide information related to identity politics not only occurs at the election and election level but also occurs in the nagari wali election or abbreviated as PILWANA in Nagari Silantai Tahun 2019. Italso aims to discuss the main forms of identity politics of candidates or political elites. a way to gain power in a position. Therefore, the study revealed tribal emblems, regional identities (jorong) using the community tokoh network and the winning team that had the same place of birth and raised in the election of wali nagari.


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How to Cite
Putra, A., Irawati, I., Rusta, A., & Fajri, M. (2023). Identity Politics In Wali Nagari Silantai Election. Madani Jurnal Politik Dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 15(01), 12-20. Retrieved from