This study aims to determineengetahui how much influence the discipline of student learning with student learning outcomes in mathematics learning Class V SD 1 Loram Kulon. Typesiof quantitative research methodswith Teknik analisis simple linear regression analysis techniques. The population in this study is all fifth-grade students of SD 1 Loram Kulon in the academic year 2023/2024. The samples used in the study were 23 students of Grade v SD 1 Loram Kulon. The Instrument used by researchers in the form of a questionnaire containing 40 items of student learning disciplines and tests tohmap student learning outcomes. To see if there is an influence on learning discipline and learning outcomes in learning mathematics, the researchers used a simple linear regression test. Hthe results of this study showed that the discipline of learning to influence the learning outcomes of mathematics students grade v SD 1 Loram Kulon by 13.2%. From the results of the study can be concluded thatthere are still other factors that affect the learning outcomes of mathematics students grade v SD 1 Loram Kulon.
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