ANALISIS KELAYAKAN DAN SENSITIVITAS USAHATANI KACANG PANJANG VARIETAS ZEBRA (Vigna sinensis L.) (Study Kasus di Desa Pilanggot Kecamatan Tikung Kabupaten Lamongan)

  • Emmy Hamidah Universitas Islam Darul Ulum
  • Suryo Ediyono UNS Surakarta
Keywords: Feasibility Analysis


Long beansĀ  has been known since long, abroad as well as in Indonesia. Some literature noted that the plant long beans not native to Indonesia. To increase the rate of production and the income of long beans at pilanggot village sub district of lamongan, tikung some noteworthy aspects such as land area, quality seeds and varieties, cultivation levels pertanaman, harvest and post harvest cultivation technology of engineering and long beans.In this study using analysis of Net Present Value (NPV), the Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net/B/C), Gross Benefit Cost Ratio (Gross B/C), and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Based on the calculations at the level of 25% of farming beans still deserves to be done because the Net B/C (9.5) > 1, NPV (332,104,000) > 0 and Gross B/C (8.9) > 1. At an interest rate of 35% of farming long beans PilangGot Tikung also still deserves to be done because the Net B/C (8.3) > 1, NPV (233.280.8006) > 0 and Gross B/C (7.8) > 1. Farming long beans Pilanggot Tikung made on an interest rate of 25% and 35% deserve to be organised because it will not cause losses and on work done income greater than the costs incurred and the profit will be positive. The value of the IRR on farming long beans Pilanggot Tikung is 35% and is higher than the interest rate equal to 25% or 35% and the interest rate is higher than the interest rate set i.e. 20%. Determination of the feasibility of a project based on the value of the IRR depending upon interest rates currently in effect, and for the farmer long beans Pilanggot Tikung if the interest rate set smaller than 35% the project deserves to be implemented. The value of the IRR 35% also indicate the level of profits earned from farming beans Pilanggot Tikung IE 35% profit per season.


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