• Siti Masyithoh UIN Jakarta
  • Nur Aisyah Hastuti Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Keywords: Keywords: study habits, parental guidance, learning outcomes



This study aims to determine the effect of students' learning habits and parental guidance on students' mathematics learning outcomes in class VI at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta partially and to determine the effect together, namely study habits and parental guidance on mathematics learning outcomes class VI students at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta.

This research is an ex post facto research with a quantitative approach. Data collection uses angles for study habits and parental guidance variables, as well as semester 1 final assessment scores (PAS) documents for Mathematics learning outcomes variables. The subjects of this study were class VI students at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta with a sample of 53 students using a saturated sample, that is, using all students from the population. To find out the validity was tested by Product Moment correlation analysis and to find out the reliability of the instrument was tested by Cronbach's Alpha analysis test. Test the prerequisites for data analysis using the normality test, linearity test and multicollinearity test. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression.

The results showed that there was a partial or simultaneous positive and significant influence on study habits and parental guidance on the learning outcomes of students VI at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta. This is evidenced by the F test and t test. In the t-test, it was found that the study habits variable on cognitive learning outcomes of class VI students at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta, at a significance level of α = 0.05, a significance value of 0.000 is much smaller than 0.05 with an effect of 57.2%. In the parental guidance variable on the learning outcomes of class VI students at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta, a significance value of 0.005 <0.05 was also obtained with an effect of 18.2%. In the F test, the results obtained were Fcount (76.826) > Ftable (3.183) with a numerator dk of 2 and a denominator of 50, and a significant level of 0.000 is much smaller than 0.05. So it is proven that study habits and parental guidance partially or jointly have a positive and significant effect on the mathematics learning outcomes of class VI students at SDN Cipinang Besar Selatan 17 Jakarta.

Keywords: study habits, parental guidance, learning outcomes


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How to Cite
Masyithoh, S., & Hastuti, N. (2023). THE EFFECT OF STUDY HABITS AND PARENTAL GUIDANCE ON MATH LEARNING OUTCOMES. MIDA : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam, 6(2), 244-257.