EDU-RELIGIA : Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pembelajarannya <p>The EDU-RELIGIA journal is published by the Postgraduate Program in Islamic Education Studies Program at the Islamic University of Darul 'Ulum Lamongan. Journals are published online twice a year or every six months, namely in February and August (E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-5473</a>) (P-ISSN:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> 2579-5465</a>)</p> Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Islam Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan en-US EDU-RELIGIA : Jurnal Keagamaan dan Pembelajarannya 2579-5465 K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari's Thoughts and its Relevance in Modern Islamic Education <p>This research is intended to examine Hasyim Asy'ari's thoughts on the book Adabul Al-'Ālim Wa Al-Muta'allim Fī Mā Yaḥtāju Ilaihi Al-Muta'allim Fi Ahwal Ta'limihi Wa Ma Yatawaqqafu' 'Alaihi&nbsp; Al&nbsp; Mu'allim&nbsp; Fi&nbsp; Maqāmātihi&nbsp; Ta 'limihi Chapters 1 and 2 are relevant to modern education today. This type of qualitative research uses data collection techniques from books, journals, the web and others. The focus of this research is on figures that are relevant to current developments.</p> Masruri Masruri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 1 1 10 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.5829 Improving Student Discipline through Interaction with PAI Teachers in Class 11 of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Gresik <p>Educators play a significant role in improving student discipline. Teachers are not the only party that determines the success or failure of students, but their position and role are vital. Therefore, the teacher must successfully form discipline. The approach used is field research using qualitative methods. Qualitative research is a study that aims to describe or analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and thoughts of individuals or groups of people. By using interview, documentation, and observation methods, the researcher found that the role of teachers in relation to students is influenced by the interactional contexr they face, such as the formal teaching context and in the classroom, so it is clear theat the learning process is different. The interactional between PAI teachers and students has a positive impact on improving student discipline in class XI of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Gresik</p> Ervin Achmad Lhudin Noor Amirudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 7 1 11 17 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6288 Implementation of Blended Learning in PAI Subjects to Increase Student Engagements in High School <p>As technology develops, learning models have progressed, and learning in class and online (online) has experienced significant developments. The combination of the two is called a blended learning model. Because the learning process cannot be separated from the touch of technology. In line with that, learning achievements in this technological era are carried out by updating the quality of learning, helping students develop participation, personalizing learning, emphasizing project or problem-based learning, encouraging collaboration and communication, increasing student involvement and motivation, cultivating creativity and innovation in learning, using appropriate learning tools, and designing learning activities that are relevant to the real world. So, this research aims to discover the meaning, components, composition, characteristics, types, implementation, and advantages and disadvantages of the blended model. The author of this research used the literature study method. In the blended learning model, there are six stages. The first stage is determining the teaching materials. Second, the design of the blended model used must be determined. Third, determine the online learning format. Fourth, carry out design trials. Fifth, apply the model that has been designed and finally evaluate. The author used the RPP for Class XII odd semester PAI subjects from SMAN 1 Prambanan to implement these six stages as a sample. In general, the results have met the evaluation criteria starting in terms of ease of navigation, format/appearance, applicability, cost-effectiveness/value, and content in accordance with the learning objectives. However, there is some material whose study content is not complete.</p> Lana Umi Fauziyah Erina Rizka Hartati Nurul Hidayat Salamah Noorhidayati Mahbub Junaidi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 7 1 18 24 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6750 Management Analysis in Improving the Quality of Educational Institutions at the Central of Jagaan Bestari Impian Bukit Mertajam Malaysia <p>This study aims to determine management in improving institutional quality at the Central of <em>Jagaan Bestari Impian </em>Bukit Mertajam. The research method used is qualitative, with a type of field approach. Data collection techniques were used, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this study used the interactive model of Miles &amp; Huberman, with research starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and narration of conclusions. Data validity techniques use extended observations and reference materials. The high quality of teachers and staff, efficient management, cooperation with parents/guardians and the community, and attention to children's health and safety are the main factors that support the development of children in this care center. With continuous monitoring and evaluation, the center can continue to improve its services and have a greater positive impact on children and the community</p> Windu Fani Prastyo Syahrul Amsari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 7 1 25 37 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6823 Educating a Tolerant Society: Experience in the Kwangenrejo Kalitidu Bojonegoro Religious Moderation Village <p>Kwangenrejo is a village where there are two religions, namely Christianity and Islam. They maintain mutual tolerance. This research examines the implementation of their way of educating people to have a tolerant attitude that is passed down to generations. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity uses triangulation with sources, techniques and time. The results of the research show that the formation of a convert's personality does not occur spontaneously or directly, it requires a process and also includes several elements of the spiritual competence of a good educator who is wise in carrying out his duties, manifested by the educator's behavior being in accordance with religious norms, not easily angered. angry with converts who sometimes ask strange questions and also sometimes make mistakes, but on the contrary, educators will provide advice and direction</p> Ahmad Ainul Yaqin Ali Ahmad Yenuri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 7 1 38 50 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6872 Imam Ghazali's Educational Philosophy and Its Relevance to Scocial Science Learning In Primary School <p>This article aims to reveal the relevance of Imam Ghazali's educational philosophy to elementary/MI social studies learning. Through a literature study using documentation techniques as a collecting technique, the findings are (1) Imam Ghazali's educational philosophy focuses on the final goal of humans, namely the afterlife with worldly media. Apart from that, the key concept that must be understood is that teachers have a heavy responsibility towards students because they are not only responsible for student learning outcomes but also for students' morals, morals and character; (2) SD/MI social studies learning has more contextual characteristics so that the learning process prioritizes direct experience gained by students; (3) the relevance of Imam Ghazali's educational philosophy to elementary/MI social studies learning can be done through the interconnection integration method without dichotomizing its epistemological aspects into the two poles of religious knowledge and general science; and (4) there are two ways to connect Imam Ghazali's educational philosophy and SD/MI social studies learning, namely making Imam Ghazali's spirit or perspective on education the content of social studies learning in elementary/MI indirectly or as a hidden curriculum and reconceptualizing elementary/MI social studies learning MI which is in accordance with Imam Ghazali's views on education.</p> Hendri Purbo Waseso Maragustam Siregar Anggitiyas Sekarinasih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 7 1 51 63 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6897 Management of Teacher Professionality Development in Primary Schools <p>This research aims to explore and understand aspects of Teacher Professional Development Management in Elementary Schools, focusing on three main things. First, examine teachers' perceptions of the professional development program implemented, including their views regarding its effectiveness, relevance, and benefits. Second, analyze the program's implications for teacher performance and motivation and the extent to which this program can increase teacher competence, morale, and dedication in the learning process. Third, the leadership role of school principals in supporting teacher professional development should be evaluated by looking at how school principals' support, guidance, and policies can strengthen teacher professionalism. This research uses a case study approach with qualitative methods to explore this phenomenon in depth. The research results show that effective school management, leadership support, and the availability of relevant resources and training methods are vital to increasing teacher competence and motivation. However, this research has limitations because it was only conducted in one school with a limited sample. For future research, it is recommended to involve a larger and more diverse sample from various schools to obtain more comprehensive and applicable data</p> Imelia Sahda Salsabilla Nur Asiyah Agus Sutiyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 7 1 64 79 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6861 Development of Multicultural Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in Building Religious Moderation at Universitas Islam Kadiri Kediri <p><em>This study aims to develop an Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum that incorporates multicultural values to foster religious moderation among students. The proposed curriculum integrates principles of cultural diversity and tolerance into PAI learning materials, allowing students to comprehend Islamic teachings while also appreciating and interacting harmoniously with adherents of other religions. Utilizing a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, this study addresses multicultural education as a relatively new phenomenon in PAI courses, emphasized as an essential competency for both lecturers and students. The phenomenological approach seeks to understand the daily lives and intersubjective experiences of the participants, aiming to reveal the meaning of concepts and phenomena as perceived by individuals. Conducted in a natural setting, this approach permits unrestricted interpretation of the phenomenon, granting researchers the freedom to analyze the data comprehensively. The findings indicate that a multicultural PAI curriculum effectively promotes an understanding of religious moderation among students and heightens awareness of the importance of multicultural perspectives in religion. These results are intended to guide educators and policymakers in creating a more inclusive PAI curriculum, thereby supporting the development of a peaceful and harmonious society.</em></p> Siti Sumadiyah Sri Wahyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 1 80 89 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6919 Strategy for Strengthening Multicultural Competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers <p>Teachers have a central position in education. This is inseparable from their role as the frontline in developing human resources. In the context of disruptive life and interaction patterns that lead to a borderless world order, humans who are socially capable and oriented towards world peace are needed. In this aspect, teachers who have multicultural competence and strategies to form multiculturalist educators are needed. This research is qualitative and uses a literature review approach. The data is taken from expert concepts related to the study of multiculturalism and Islamic religious education teachers. The result of the research is that multiculturalist Islamic religious education teachers are educators who have pedagogical competence, pedagogical competence, personality, professional and social as well as multicultural competence, namely competence that leads to the mastery of teachers in understanding ethnic issues, national and global values; diversity and culture. And strengthened by pedagogical skills where Islamic religious education teachers are able to sow multicultural values to their students. In the realm of strategy, a political approach to education is needed; a curriculum with multiculturalism insights and empowerment of Islamic religious education teachers</p> Abdul Halim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 90 105 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6956 Implementation Of The Joyfull Learning Method To Improve Literacy For Children In Tadika Mysarah Padang Serai Kedah, Malaysia <p>The Joyfull Learning Method is a revolutionary approach in the world of early childhood education that emphasizes learning through positive experiences, creativity and fun interactions. This research evaluates the effectiveness of the Joyfull Learning method in increasing the literacy of children aged 4-6 years in Tadika Mysarah Padang Serai, Kedah. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, which includes observations over a 1 month period, interviews with teachers and parents, as well as analysis of curriculum materials used in the Joyfull Learning method. The research results show that the Joyfull Learning method is effective in creating a learning environment that stimulates children's interest and creativity. During the observation period, children responded positively, demonstrated high levels of participation in literacy activities, and demonstrated an increase in interest in learning to read and write. The conclusion of this research is that the Joyfull Learning method is a very effective tool in increasing the literacy of children aged 4-6 years in Tadika Mysarah Padang Serai.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Indri Kurnianda Rahimah Rahimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 106 115 10.52166/edu-religia.v7i1.6952