Edulitics is published by Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Department of English Education), Darul 'Ulum Islamic University (Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan). It is a SINTA 4 accredited journal by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education under Decree number 79/E/KPT/2023 dated 11 May 2023 starting Vol 5, No 2, December 2020 valid for 5 years. This journal publishes research-based articles in the fields of language, literature, and education. Since 2023, this journal published twice a year in June and December; with nine articles in each edition. The scopes of the topics include 1) English Learning and Teaching; (2) Literature for Education; and (3) Language Acquisition.  We encourage authors and readers to sign up for the publishing notification service for this journal. Use the Register link at the top of the home page for the journal. This registration will result in the reader receiving the Table of Contents by email for each new issue of the journal. This list also allows the journal to claim a certain level of support or readership. See the journal's Privacy Statement, which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes.