MEDIA DIDAKTIKA <p><strong>MEDIA DIDAKTIKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran,&nbsp;</strong>The journal is published by the Postgraduate Program of Islamic University Darul Ulum (Unisda) Lamongan as a medium of information and dissemination of research results, theoretical developments, and scientific papers on education and learning. This journal is published twice a year: May and November; first published in May 2015.</p> Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Darul `Ulum Lamongan en-US MEDIA DIDAKTIKA 2459-9611 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERI LEARNING PADA MATERI TEKS ANEKDOT KELAS X SMK N JATIROGO <p><em>Learning that discovers concepts through a series of data or information obtained through observation or experimentation. Discovery lerning is used to develop concepts under teacher supervision where learning is cognitive learning that requires teachers to be more creative in creating situations that can make students learn actively find their own knowledge. Vocational education unit is chosen to be the object of research because students get Indonesian language subjects basic competence in understanding anecdotal texts. The strategy used by teachers to improve the effectiveness and active learning of students is by utilizing the Discovery Learning learning model.</em></p> nurul faizah mustofa mustofa maskub maskub ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 10 1 1 10 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6663 TEACHING WRITING HISTORICAL RECOUNT TEXT USING GOOGLE CLASSROOM <p>Google Classroom is a tool that facilitates students and teacher collaboration also the teacher can make and distribute assignment for students in an online classroom for free.In this research, the researcher focuses on analyzing the way the teacher teaches recount text using Google classroom start from the teacher prepare the lesson plan until the teacher give the assignment. There are some steps that the researcher will observe and explain from the teacher prepares the lesson, the teacher makes and prepares Google Classroom, the teacher prepares the material about historical writing recount using Google classroom and the teacher gives the task and assignment. This research is conducted by using descriptive-qualitative method. The data in this research are analyzed in the form of world description and identification or analysis. By using descriptive-qualitative method, the researcher presents the data description of this research based on the result of the researcher’s experience in doing teaching practice. Besides that, the researcher also presents data description based on observation and interview. Data in this research is qualitative data that are written through words by words, including statements or dialogue in the form of descriptive or narrative as the data are taken from interview transcript, observation sheet, and field note. Google classroom is proved by another researcher as the one of the most used platforms to bypasses the traditional learning activity be an alternative online learning platform to be used in the classroom<em>.</em></p> alawi al hadad irmayani irmayani buyun khulel ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 10 1 11 19 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6668 UNMASKING FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE OF TAYLOR’S SWIFT MEGA HIT SONG “ANTI-HERO" <p>This article explores the presence and impact of figurative language in Taylor Swift's music, focusing on the lyrical depth and artistic nuances found in her songs. It highlights the use of metaphors, similes, and personification in Swift's songwriting, emphasizing their ability to evoke emotions, create vivid imagery, and enhance the narrative power of her compositions. The study draws upon existing research on figurative language in music to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Swift's use of these literary devices enhances her lyrical and artistic expression. The article also presents a research methodology for analyzing the figurative language in Swift's songs and offers a detailed description of the findings and their implications. By examining specific examples from Swift's songs, the article aims to uncover the underlying artistic and communicative strategies used by the artist and shed light on the impact of her figurative language on the audience's interpretation and emotional response<em>.</em></p> zila dwi evatul vionisa nurul ainni cindy sintiasari irmayani irmayani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 10 1 20 26 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6669 FEODALISME DALAM NOVEL DRUPADI KARYA SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS <p>Novel as a work of fiction offers an imaginative world, which is built through various intrinsic and extrinsic elements. This critical discourse analysis of the Drupadi novel by Seno Gumira Ajidarma aims to determine the feudalism discourse the writer adopts through his novel and to determine the author's construction in a developing social context. This research uses critical study as an effort to find; (1) The text structure of Seno Gumira Ajidarma's Drupadi novel, (2) The practice of discourse in Seno Gumira Ajidarma's Drupadi novel, and (3) The form of feudalism in the Drupadi novel by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The research method used is descriptive narrative with the analysis model of Sara Mills's theory, which focuses on feminists consisting of the subject-object level and the writer-reader level. This research concludes that the structure of the Drupadi novel has a pattern of using a forward plot, namely character recognition, conflict, climax, anticlimax, and ending. This plot is often used in other narrative texts, so, it can be concluded that the structure of the text in the Drupadi novel by Seno Gumira Ajidarma includes; character introduction, conflict, climax, anticlimax, end / koda. In addition, Drupadi's novel shows the discourse of feudalism through the subject-object level and the writer-reader level. These results were obtained from the analysis of feudalism practices found in the novel Drupadi. These are the beliefs, beliefs, views, and ultimately the ideological vision that is represented by Seno Gumira Ajidarma's Drupadi novel in his discourse. Like postmodernist thoughts, the ideology that is represented must fight, challenge, and criticize the ideology that is currently in power to become a dominant discourse. Seno Gumira Ajidarma's ideology combines with the ideology of the spirit of the postmodern era.</p> hidayatul khoiriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 10 1 27 38 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6670 PROBLEMS IN USING GOOGLE CLASSROOM FACED BY EIGHT-GRADE STUDENTS OF MTS RAUDLATUL MUTA’ALLIMIN TEGALREJO <p>The era of the industrial revolution 5.0 increasingly developing technology, the learning process is directed to make good use of technology. so schools use online learning alternatives with various applications for students. one of them is using google classroom. This study discusses the student problems in using google classroom faced by eight-grade students of MTS Raudlatul Muta’allimin. This study aimed to describe the problems in using google classroom and to explain the strategies that face the problems of using google classroom. The participant of the research was VIII-A at MTS Raudlatul Muta’llimin. The research is descriptive qualitative and the research data were collected by two instrument research namely, questionnaire and interview. The finding of the study is there are several problems faced by students. The problem is divided into 2 factors, internal factors, and external factors. The problem in internal factors is during learning using google classroom, students are happy without being interested and motivated by learning google classroom and the student’s problem is difficulty on understand the material. The strategies of the problems in using google classroom delivered by the principial, the teachers and the students.</p> imroatul muawanah irmayani irmayani syifa' khuriyatuz zahro ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 10 1 56 62 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6662 Exploring College Students’ Potencies and Needs in EFL Translation Class <p>In order to give the lecturer with the necessary information to construct effective teaching practices for preparation, in-class activities, and evaluation, the capacities and requirements of students performing translation work should be determined as early as possible. With regard to the students’ interest, expectations, knowledge, abilities, and experience, among other factors, this preliminary study sought to determine the students’ capacities and requirements.&nbsp; The preliminary research participants were third-semester students enrolled in the English Language Education department of a university in Lamongan Regency, who planned to enroll in translation courses during the next three semesters. Through the use of both closed- and open-ended survey questions, the descriptive approach was used in this study.&nbsp; Based on a few theories of teaching and learning translation, such as those proposed by Duff (1994), Gile (1995), Tisgam (2009), Clavijo &amp; Marin (2013), and Wang (2014), the data were examined. The data analysis’s elaborations primarily addressed the students’ capacities and requirements to acquire thorough and understandable explanations of the indicated components. &nbsp;Following data analysis, recommendations were made for how to create a teaching design that included instructional strategies, materials, kinds of practices, and evaluation.</p> ANITA DWI HAPSARI ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-03 2024-05-03 10 1 46 53 10.52166/didaktika.v10i1.6767