DEARSIP : Journal of Architecture and Civil <p><strong>DEARSIP, Journal of Architecture and Civil</strong> was first published&nbsp; by Department of Architecture and Civil, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Darul Ulum, Lamongan. It is a&nbsp;<strong>SINTA 5 accredited journal</strong>&nbsp;by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education under Decree number 79/E/KPT/2023 dated 11 May 2023 starting Vol 1, No 1, May 2021 valid for 5 years.&nbsp; As the name implies, this journal has a mission as a medium for the development of science and technology, especially in architecture and planning studies. JAP has broad topics of writing, ranging from technology of building, architecture, city design, to urban environmental planning and its derivations. The coverage of writing in DEARSIP starts from theories to practices, and they are well-writen according to the correct scientific writing rules. JAP is planned to publish twice a year <strong>May and November</strong>.</p> Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan en-US DEARSIP : Journal of Architecture and Civil 2808-0947 MENENTUKAN LEVEL RISIKO PROYEK INFRASTRUKTUR PERDESAAN DI KABUPATEN BOJONEGORO <p>Kegiatan&nbsp; konstruksi&nbsp; merupakan&nbsp; unsur&nbsp; penting&nbsp; dalam pembangunan infrastruktur. Kegiatan konstruksi memiliki risiko yang menimbulkan berbagai dampak&nbsp; yang&nbsp; tidak&nbsp; diinginkan. Risiko adalah variasi dalam hal-hal yang mungkin terjadi secara alami atau kemungkinan terjadinya peristiwa diluar yang&nbsp; diharapkan&nbsp; yang&nbsp; merupakan&nbsp; ancaman&nbsp; terhadap properti&nbsp; dan&nbsp; keuntungan&nbsp; finansial&nbsp; akibat&nbsp; bahaya&nbsp; yang terjadi.&nbsp; Manajemen&nbsp; risiko&nbsp; dan&nbsp; kualitas&nbsp; merupakan pendekatan yang&nbsp; dilakukan terhadap risiko yaitu dengan memahami,&nbsp; mengidentifikasi&nbsp; dan&nbsp; mengevaluasi&nbsp; risiko suatu proyek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memenentukan level risiko pada faktor risiko proyek Pembangunan infrstruktur perdesaan di Bojonegoro dengan metode <em>Probablitity Index Matrix (PIM)</em>. Hasil identifikasi yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa faktor risiko yang terdapat pada proyek Pembangunan infrastruktur pedesaan adalah pada tahap desain, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap operasional. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penilaian risiko faktor risiko yang teridentifikasi berada di level sedang</p> Nova Nevila Rodhi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 67 73 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5056 The IDENTIFICATION OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN ASPECTS ON THE AGRICULTURAL LAND OF THE KAMPOENG CE'DE FARMERS' GROUP IN MAROS DISTRICT <p><em>Landscape design on agricultural land is an approach that is used to meet the needs of various types of activities in the agricultural sector, both users and commodities produced from agricultural land. This research aims to identify aspects of landscape design on the Kampoeng Ce'de agricultural land in Maros Regency, which will be used as a reference for formulating landscape concepts and designs. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods, data was collected by relying on direct observation techniques, interviewing the users, and utilizing relevant references. Then, the data was analyzed and synthesized to obtain the objectives of this research. The results of the research showed that there are three design aspects that need to be implemented to support activities on Kampoeng Ce'de agricultural land, which are Physical Aspects of the Architectural Landscape (materials, vegetation, circulation, accessibility, drainage systems and facilities), Agricultural System Aspects (horticulture cultivation techniques) and Supporting Technology Aspects (production of fish feed and agriculture fertilizer). </em></p> Gusti Hardyanti Musda Asriyani Asriyani Fitriani R ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 74 86 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5135 ANALISA KINERJA BIAYA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG GELANGGANG PRESTASI FIA UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA MENGGUNAKAN METODE EARNED VALUE CONCEPT <p>Suatu proyek konstruksi dibutuhkan manajemen yang baik dan mampu mengendalikan setiap aktivitas pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan. Pada proyek Pembangunan Gedung Gelanggang Prestasi Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya mengalami keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan dengan lama keterlambatan 10 minggu. Pengendalian biaya dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya kemajuan dan keterlambatan yang terjadi, karena biaya&nbsp; merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting yang dapat berpengaruh besar terhadap keberhasilan proyek konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja biaya pada proyek Pembangunan Gedung Gelanggang Prestasi FIA Universitas Brawijaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Konsep Nilai Hasil (<em>Earned Value Concept</em>). Kinerja proyek yang dianalisa berdasarkan indeks kinerja biaya (<em>Cost Performance Index</em>). Perhitungan didasarkan pada BCWS (<em>Budged Cost of Work Schedule</em>), BCWP (<em>Budged Cost of Work Performed</em>) dan ACWP (<em>Actual Cost of Work Performed</em>). Dari hasil analisis diketahui Biaya rencana pekerjaan sebesar Rp. 9.910.696.784,31 sedangkan biaya realisasi sebesar Rp. 8.904.600.000,00 terdapat selisih sebesar Rp.,31. sehingga kinerja biaya menunjukkan kinerja yang baik karena biaya yang dikeluarkan lebih kecil daripada biaya rencana ditunjukkan dengan nilai CPI = 1,11 (CPI &gt; 1).</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Proyek Konstruksi, Kinerja Biaya, Cost Performance Index<strong> &nbsp;</strong></p> MOH. SHOLAHUDDIN Devi Christina Wati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 87 99 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5164 PERANCANGAN PLAZA LAMONGAN DENGAN TEMA ARSITEKTUR NEO VERNAKULAR <p>Plaza is a certain area consisting of one or several shops that are erected vertically or<br>horizontally in a city, which are sold or leased to business actors or managed independently to<br>conduct goods trading activities. The use of neo vernacular architectural themes aims to preserve<br>local elements formed empirically by a tradition which then more or less undergoes renewal<br>towards a more modern or advanced work without putting aside local traditional values. Buildings<br>that are more varied, flexible, innovative, dynamic and diverse, both in material and technology<br>are able to achieve visual targets, rooms and outdoor spaces that achieve harmony in the Plaza<br>design. And also this concept in principle pays attention to normative, cosmological principles,<br>the role and local culture in people's lives and the harmony between buildings, nature and the<br>environment. The whole building has 3 zoning, namely the private zone, the semi-public zone, and<br>the public zone.</p> Dhiah Agustina Qahar Moh. Agus Tiyo Rifky ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 100 107 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5213 ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN ALAT BERAT TERHADAP WAKTU DAN BIAYA (STUDI KASUS : PROYEK JALAN RAYA BABATBOJONEGORO KM 72-73) <p><em>Roads are infrastructure built by the government to facilitate regional development so that they become assets that must be managed and function optimally. The transportation infrastructure and facilities system as a basic infrastructure is a prerequisite for the economic movement of the region, where the supporting system and transportation infrastructure drivers play a major role in the efficiency and effectiveness of regional economic activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the time and cost of using heavy equipment used in Babat-Bojonegoro Highway Project KM 72-73 completion on paving work. </em></p> <p><em>This research uses the work capacity analysis method, namely by calculating data to find the working capacity of the heavy equipment used, as a basis for calculating the time and cost required for heavy equipment in the implementation of paving work. </em></p> <p><em>From the analysis of the time required by heavy equipment in paving work with a volume of 3612 tons / m3 is 167,5 hours or 24 days. For the total cost of heavy equipment analyzed in paving work amounting to Rp. 405.486.106. </em></p> Intan Mayasari Santi Ayu Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 108 117 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5214 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH DI WILAYAH KECAMATAN MADURAN KABUPATEN LAMONGAN <p><em>Water is a water resource that is indispensable for living things both to meet their needs and to sustain life naturally. The higher a person's standard of living, the higher the demand for water. The population of Maduran Subdistrict continues to increase from year to year, which has an impact on increasing water demand. </em></p> <p><em>This study aims to calculate the water demand of Maduran Subdistrict for 2032 with 10 year projection. In this study, the projection of water demand is based on primary and secondary data. The projection of water demand for Maduran Subdistrict uses 2 analysis methods, namely the arithmetic method and the geometric method. </em></p> <p><em>From the results of the analysis obtained that the total population growth of Maduran Subdistrict in 2032 is 38,761 people. Based on this population, the clean water demand of Maduran Sub-district in 2023 is 52.22 L/dt.&nbsp; While the maximum daily water demand is 57.44 L/dt, the current water availability can serve until 2032. </em></p> Agus Setiawan endang suciati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 118 126 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5215 PERANCANGAN HOTEL RESORT PEMANDIAN AIR PANAS BRUMBUN LAMONGAN TEMA ARSITEKTUR TRADISIONAL TROPIS <p><em>brumbun hot spring is one of the tourist areas in Lamongan district which has a beautiful and interesting place to be developed further. The design object is a resort hotel that aims to support natural and cultural tourism in Brumbun hot springs, Lamongan. Availability of supporting facilities, namely lodging in the form of cootage classification for tourists and users who need a place to rest or stay overnight. In starting the process of a design design, a design design method is needed which is useful for making a defined and systematic design. With this method a rational and realist analysis will be carried out. The data collection process is a stage in the search for data supporting themes and objects in order to simplify the design process. In this process there are two categories of primary data collection or secondary data, as for the explanation of the data collection&nbsp;categories.</em></p> M. Mukhdif Al-Afghoni Moh. Tsalis zakki ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 127 133 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5216 PERANCANGAN PUSAT REHABILITASI NARKOBA KOTA LAMONGAN TEMA ARSITEKTUR PERILAKU <p><em>Drug addicts are thinking beings who have their own decisions in interacting in their environment, the behavior patterns of drug addicts can be observed and understood according to their needs. The concept of behavioral architecture can be used as a tool to find out that a building, in particular, a drug rehabilitation building can influence the behavior of its users. One of the buildings that applies the concept of behavioral architecture is the Lamongan Regency Rehabilitation House. This rehabilitation building was made by considering the behavior of drug users which can be seen through the interaction of drug users with their environment. This study intends to describe and determine the application of the concept of Behavioral Architecture to the Lamongan District Rehabilitation House building. The method used is descriptive qualitative. In the rooms of the Lamongan District Rehabilitation House, the arrangement of furniture in the room can affect the psychology of drug user behavior. Likewise with the color, sound, temperature and lighting applied to the Lamongan Regency Rehabilitation House building which is very influential for users because it does not create a frightening impression, so it can improve the psychology of drug users. The design of the narcotics rehabilitation center building with the theme of behavioral architecture is designed by prioritizing the concept of behavioral architecture itself which is expected to be able to help users change their personality for the better, improve social life and order in living their daily lives. </em></p> Mimin Aminah Yusuf Ali as’ad burhanuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 134 140 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5217 ANALISIS DAMPAK DAN FAKTOR ADDENDUM PEKERJAAN PELEBARAN JEMBATAN TAJI (NGRAHO – TAJI 19 RUAS NO.56 KECAMATAN NGRAHO BOJONEGORO) <p><em>The Taji bridge widening project (Ngraho – Taji 19 Section No. 56, Ngraho Bojonegoro District) experienced an addendum due to unfavorable weather at the location, which resulted in landslides. So the design underwent changes, which was originally planned to be 6.9 meters wide and 20 meters long, in the addendum it became 6.1 meters wide and 20 meters long. In the process, there has also been an increase, from 120 (one hundred and twenty) calendar days to 134 (one hundred and thirty) calendar days. So research was carried out with the aim of looking for factors that influence the occurrence of addendums on work projects, identifying any impacts that occur due to addendums on work projects, and also looking for solutions to overcome the existence of addendums on work projects. Then interviews were conducted with internal parties to obtain more detailed information, and questionnaires were also distributed to the agencies participating in the work project as many as 32 respondents. The questionnaire focused on looking for factors that cause addendums, the impact of addendums, and solutions for addendums. Validity and reliability testing was also carried out, so that the results of the questionnaire distributed were proven to be valid using the Pearson Product Moment method and Cronbach's Alpha reliability test, as well as ranking variable indicators using the Relative Importance Index (IKR). Then the results were obtained that the questionnaire was valid and had a very high level of reliability. For the questionnaire ranking results, it was found that the factor that frequently occurs is construction with a mean value of 3.01, then the most influential impact is time with a mean value of 3.30 and the most appropriate solution in the aspect of time with a mean value of 3.93. So that service providers can prioritize solutions in terms of the time aspect, because the mean value is the highest</em></p> Ayu Kurnia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 141 151 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5220 ANALISA PERENCANAAN RUNWAY 10 TAHUN KEDEPAN DI BANDARA NGLORAM KABUPATEN BLORA JAWA TENGAH <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Ngloram Airport – Blora is an airport located 40 km from the center of Blora city which is managed by the Ministry of Transportation after being donated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. At the time of writing, Ngloram – Blora Airport still has the status of a Service Unit under the Airport Management Unit. The existing condition of this airport is that it has a runway with dimensions of 1500 m x 30 m and the most critical aircraft is the ATR 72-600. It is stated in KM 231 of 2019 concerning Determining the Location of Ngloram Airport that the critical aircraft listed in the phase III development plan are new, larger critical aircraft that are planned for operation. Given this, in order for this type of aircraft to operate optimally, it requires extending and widening the runway. The aim of this research is to determine the actual need for runway length in accordance with the Airplane Reference Field Length (ARFL) and runway width in accordance with the type of aircraft planned to operate, and also to know the sufficient thickness of pavement along with the budget ceiling required for the work. -the job in question.</p> <p>Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the dimensions of the extension are 1000 meters with a width of 45 meters and the widening of the existing runway is 15 meters with a total pavement thickness of 82.5 cm. With the thick pavement construction as stated, a PCN value of 50 F/C/X/T was obtained from the calculation of the FAARFIELD 1.42 software application and the budget ceiling required for these works was Rp. 73,663,700,000.00</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Runway, runway l</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Ngloram Airport – Blora is an airport located 40 km from the center of Blora city which is managed by the Ministry of Transportation after being donated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. At the time of writing, Ngloram – Blora Airport still has the status of a Service Unit under the Airport Management Unit. The existing condition of this airport is that it has a runway with dimensions of 1500 m x 30 m and the most critical aircraft is the ATR 72-600. It is stated in KM 231 of 2019 concerning Determining the Location of Ngloram Airport that the critical aircraft listed in the phase III development plan are new, larger critical aircraft that are planned for operation. Given this, in order for this type of aircraft to operate optimally, it requires extending and widening the runway. The aim of this research is to determine the actual need for runway length in accordance with the Airplane Reference Field Length (ARFL) and runway width in accordance with the type of aircraft planned to operate, and also to know the sufficient thickness of pavement along with the budget ceiling required for the work. -the job in question.</p> <p>Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the dimensions of the extension are 1000 meters with a width of 45 meters and the widening of the existing runway is 15 meters with a total pavement thickness of 82.5 cm. With the thick pavement construction as stated, a PCN value of 50 F/C/X/T was obtained from the calculation of the FAARFIELD 1.42 software application and the budget ceiling required for these works was Rp. 73,663,700,000.00</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Runway, runway length and width, own estimated price, FAARFIELD 1.42.</strong></p> Alfia Nur Rahmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 3 02 152 163 10.52166/dearsip.v3i02.5237