Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat : BAKTI KITA 2024-04-29T11:06:11+00:00 Achmad Dedy Yusuf Effendi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat:&nbsp;BAKTI KITA</strong>&nbsp;publised twice a year in&nbsp; April and October by Institute of Research and Community Service of Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan. This Journal contains the result of research based community service such as&nbsp; PAR (<em>Participatory Action Research</em>), ABCD (<em>Asset Based Community Development</em>),&nbsp; CBR (<em>Community-Based Research</em>), <em>Service Learning,&nbsp;</em> <em>Community Development,&nbsp; </em>dan metodologi lainnya.</p> PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM DAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN DI TPA AL-HIDAYAH DESA TUMPUK KABUPATEN PONOROGO 2024-04-05T11:50:02+00:00 Umi Isnatin Jaudat Iqbal Harris Lalu Ananta Amru Saputra Firmana Putra <p><em>This study aims to develop curriculum and learning methods at TPA Al-Hidayah, Tumpuk Village, Ponorogo Regency, as an effort to improve the quality of religious education and the Qur'an for children. Through the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) program from Darussalam Gontor University, we collaborate with TPA Al-Hidayah to design a more structured and relevant curriculum and apply innovative and interesting learning methods for TPA students. We conduct observation, curriculum development, learning implementation, and evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning methods applied. As a result, we found significant improvements in the ability to read the Qur'an and understanding Islamic religious teachings in TPA students. These steps underscore the importance of developing curricula and learning methods that suit students' needs to improve the quality of religious education in TPA.</em></p> 2024-04-02T02:39:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDAMPINGAN PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS DAN PENULISAN HASIL PENELITIAN UNTUK PUBLIKASI ILMIAH DI MTS ISLAMIYAH BALEN 2024-04-05T11:50:03+00:00 Nova Nevila Rodhi <p><em>Masalah mutu pendidikan masih menjadi pokok pembicaraan yang aktual dan hangat. Ketika dihubungkan dengan pembangunan khususnya dalam sektor pendidikan maka berdampak pada motivasi dan kualitas guru yang masih rendah sehingga perlu ada upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di setiap jenjang pendidikan. Akibatnya, hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pada pengembangan profesi guru, salah satunya melalui karya tulis ilmiah. Sebelum adanya upaya tersebut, bahwa guru-guru juga mengalami masalah dalam hal ini. Agar semakin tidak terpuruk dengan keadaan tersebut, maka pengembangan profesi guru harus terus diperhatikan. Kegiatan ini difokuskan pada Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) mengunakan pendekatan andragogi dan partisipatif</em><em>.</em><em>Berdasarkan pengamatan selama pelatihan, pengetahuan dan kemampuan para guru di MTs</em><em> Islamiyah</em><em> sudah terlihat meningkat. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh partisipasi aktif para mitra pelatihan mulai dari penyusunan latar belakang masalah sampai dengan daftra pustaka. Hasil pengamatan tersebut didukung dengan hasil wawancara lepas dengan para mitra. Mayoritas para mitra mengatakan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang didapatkan dalam pelatihan tersebut akan mereka aplikasikan berkelompok untuk menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru. Hasil pelaksanaan program kemitraan masyarakat tentang pelatihan karya tulis ilmiah bagi guru dapat ditarik kesimpulan: 1. Pengetahuan mitra tentang penelitian Tindakan kelas terkait konsep dan Langkahlangkah dalam melakukan penelitian Tindakan kelas untuk perbaikan proses pembelajaran di kelas telah bertambah. 2. Mayoritas mitra telah dapat menyusun proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan, manfaat, kajian teori dan metode penelitian serta dapat menuliskannnya dalam aertikel ilmiah 3. Penerima manfaat program merasa puas dengan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-04-02T02:48:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANTAUAN STATUS GIZI BALITA DAN PENTINGNYA PEMBERIAN PMT PADA BALITA DESA DURIKEDUNGJERO, NGIMBANG, LAMONGAN 2024-04-05T11:50:04+00:00 Isnaini Anniswati Rosyida Martha Laila Arisandra Dita Ayu Noviyanti Regi Aprilian Chakim Budi Cahyono Khatibul umam abidin <p><em>Pemerintah Indonesia memandang kesehatan sebagai kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk hidup produktif. HFA 2000 merupakan program yang merupakan bagian dari falsafah kebangsaan Indonesia yaitu Pancasila. Data intercensal menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dan anak tidak terjangkau oleh program Kesehatan Indonesia, HFA 2000. Moralitas bayi 70/1000, dan angka kelahiran 31/1000. Yang menunjukkan bahwa Trilogi Pembangunan Nasional tidak dimiliki oleh perempuan dan anak. Upaya menurunkan angka kematian bayi dan ibu serta menekan jumlah kehamilan, pada rencana pembangunan 4-5 tahun dibentuk pos pelayanan terpadu bernama Posyandu yang menjadi fokus tulisan ini. Penekanan khusus diberikan pada peran Posyandu dalam upaya mengatasi masalah kesehatan utama yang dihadapi perempuan dan anak Indonesia. Sistem pelayanan kesehatan memiliki beberapa tingkatan, perawatan rumah dan mandiri diikuti oleh perawatan preventif dan promotif berbasis masyarakat (Posyandu), diikuti oleh perawatan profesional dasar di puskesmas dan klinik yang diikuti oleh rujukan 1 dan lebih tinggi ke rumah sakit kabupaten dan lanjutan. Posyandu merupakan langkah penting menuju HFA 2000 menghadirkan program terpadu KIA, KB, gizi, imunisasi dan pengendalian diare di tingkat desa.</em></p> 2024-04-02T02:51:40+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PELATIHAN BUDIDAYA LEBAH TRIGONA DI DESA MENGGARE SLAHUNG PONOROGO 2024-04-05T11:50:04+00:00 Siti Zazak Soraya Ferika Andani Tasaki Fattah Hidayat Afriansyah Dani Rizki Fadilah <p><em>Menggare Village in Slahung Ponorogo&nbsp; has considerable potential to develop trigona beekeeping because many plants, including acacia trees, a food source for these bees, still surround it. Therefore, the people in Menggare Village have promising opportunities in the Arizona beekeeping business. This trigona beekeeping training activity aimed to provide an understanding of trigona bees and their benefits and guidelines for cultivating trigona bees as a first step to doing business in this field. This training was held on Sunday, 23 July 2023, at the Menggare Village Hall, Slahung, Ponorogo, with 13 participants. The approach used in this activity is an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach, focusing on exploiting the potential that already exists in the community. The results of this training showed that some people are very enthusiastic about developing trigonal beekeeping. This success can be attributed to the high selling value and the ease of cultivating trigona bees. In addition, this dedication also positively impacts improving the quality of human resources and the local economy</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-04-02T03:05:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INOVASI PRODUK WISATA EDUKASI PEJAMBON DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT PASCA COVID-19 2024-04-05T11:50:04+00:00 Dina Alafi Hidayatin hafidza nash'ul amrina Eka Adiputra <p><em>Pemilihan topik ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra dalam menghadapi era new normal pasca pandemic covid19. Sebagai keberlanjutan dari pengaruh kebijakan pemerintah, kini masyarakat dituntut untuk mengikuti perkembangan jaman, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berbasis digital dalam kegiatan bisnis. Namun, mitra tidak memiliki bauran produk yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif memasuki penjualan berbasis digital. Dengan demikian, mitra perlu melakukan inovasi produk, seperti batik. Pemilihan batik sebagai produk inovasi didasari pada latar belakang mitra yang sebelumnya sudah mengembangkan wisata edukasi, serta kondisi masyarakat daerah setepat yang mendukung. Proses pembuatan batik dapat dikembangkan sebagai inovasi produk wisata edukasi, sedangkan produk batik sendiri memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai produk khas daerah yang bisa diperjualbelikan secara digital. Untuk melakukan inovasi produk, mitra belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membuat produk inovasi, sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang dilakukan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan produk inovasi dan pemasaran. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini (1) adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam membuat produk inovasi, (2) tercipta produk inovasi berupa batik, (3) adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam melakukan pemasaran berbasis digital, (4) tercipta inovasi dalam bidang pemasaran melalui aplikasi digital. Berdasarkan hasil yang dicapai dapat disimpulkan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil memberikan perubahan sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan. </em></p> 2024-04-02T03:16:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROSPEK WISATA RELIGI MAKAM KI BUYUT TERIK DALAM MENIGKATKAN PELUANG UMKM DESA TLEMANG NGIMBANG LAMONGAN 2024-04-05T11:50:04+00:00 Annis Rahmawati intan mayasari agus setiawan <p><em>Tourism is one of the major industries that has considerable potential to improve the economy and people's welfare. The existence of MSMEs around tourist destinations provides promising business opportunities, especially in the production and sale of various types of traditional chips which are the flagship products of Tlemang village. This research uses a qualitative approach as a research method with a descriptive approach. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. The results showed that religious tourism at the tomb of Ki Buyut Terik has great potential in improving the economy of Tlemang village through the development of MSMEs. Traditional chip products from the village are an attraction for tourists, and with the application of information technology and digital marketing, as well as innovations in packaging and product diversification, MSMEs can continue to grow and contribute to the local economy. The development of MSMEs in the tourism sector also plays a role in maintaining local cultural identity and religious tradition wisdom, as well as providing wider benefits for the people of Tlemang village. Thus, strategic steps taken by the government, local stakeholders, and MSME actors can strengthen the religious tourism potential of Ki Buyut Terik's tomb in facing the challenges of globalization and social change, as well as create sustainable development for Tlemang village and its surroundings. </em></p> 2024-04-02T03:19:47+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFEKTIVITAS INFORMASI DAN EDUKASI PENGELOLAAN HUTAN MANGROVE BAGI MASYARAKAT KUALA LANGSA 2024-04-05T11:50:04+00:00 Nurul Najmi Eka Lisdayanti Rahmawati Rahmawati Fadli Afriandi Ligar Abdillah <p><em>Mangroves have a very strategic function for coastal communities ecologically, socially, and economically. Important information about Kuala Langsa mangrove forest management aims to educate coastal communities as the first users in utilizing environmental services in the form of mangrove tourism potential and managing coastal areas. Service activities are carried out to coastal communities living around the Kuala Langsa mangrove forest area. The activity involved 15 respondents consisting of Kuala Langsa mangrove forest ecotourism managers and coastal communities living around the area. The method carried out in this activity is surveys and interviews about management information and the potential of Kuala Langsa mangrove forests. The results of the activity showed that the community was very interested in participating in the activity marked by enthusiasm and warm discussion in the forum. People are more aware that no matter how small the damage done will have a big impact if done continuously. The community also agreed that waste can reduce beauty and reduce the population of fisheries and they agree that the healthier the mangroves can attract tourists and improve the economy of the surrounding community.</em></p> 2024-04-02T03:21:38+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PRODUKTIVITAS PERTANIAN MELALUI HIDROPONIK DI DESA BRONJONG 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Muchamad Suradji Retno Nuzilatus Shoimah Namirah Arrasyidah Gilang Setyo Pratomo Fajrur Romadhoni <p><em>This service aims to provide training and community service for agricultural productivity through hydrophonics in Bronjong Village. This dedication is intended to maximize assets in the form of community home gardens to function as productive land with hydrophonic technology. This service uses an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. The ABCD method has five stages for carrying out the mentoring research process, including: Discovery (Study), Dream (Dream), Design (procedure), Define (Consolidation of Goals), and Destiny (Self Determination). The results of the service carried out by the service and partners in increasing agricultural productivity through the hydrophonic program. This program is important, because it is in line with village programs, one of which is making villages green by empowering people to plant plants in their yards. House yards that are not used become assets that can be used for more productive things, such as hydrophonics. Utilizing this asset is a solution to limited land for planting. Apart from that, the benefits provided by hydrophonic products can later be used for daily needs and can also be used as additional income by selling the crops. In the future, hydrophonics will become one of the icons of a green village if it is implemented en masse by the people of Bronjong village. So, in the future, the farmers of Bronjong Village will inspire smart, sustainable and adaptive farmers.</em></p> 2024-04-02T03:24:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGENALAN BAHASA ARAB DASAR BAGI MASYARAKAT DI KELURAHAN AIR TEMAM KOTA LUBUKLINGGAU 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Hapizil Umam Lilis Setiawati Rory Anugraha Arianto Arianto <p>Indonesia merupakan negara dengan mayoritas muslim terbanyak di dunia, sehingga mempelajari bahasa arab adalah suatu keharusan. Pengetahuan bahasa arab yang baik dapat membantu mendalami dan mengkaji ilmu agama&nbsp; islam. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukuan di Pondok Pesantren Darul Hidayah Madani (DHM) Kota Lubuklinggau yang mana melibatkan masyarakat kelurahan Air Temam Kota Lubuklinggau selama 11 hari dan di ikuti sebanyak 20 0rang. Bentuk kegiatannya dilakukan melalui pemaparan&nbsp; dan pengenalan materi dasar-dasar Bahasa Arab. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dasar-dasar bahasa Arab kepada masyarakat Kelurahan Air Temam Kota Lubuklinggau sebagai penguatan dalam memahami al-Qur’an. Metode&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; yang digunakan&nbsp;&nbsp; dalam&nbsp;&nbsp; pelaksanaan&nbsp;&nbsp; program&nbsp;&nbsp; ini&nbsp;&nbsp; adalah&nbsp;&nbsp; naratif&nbsp;&nbsp; deskriptif, menghafal dan tanya&nbsp; jawab&nbsp; .&nbsp; Adapun&nbsp; hasil&nbsp; dari kegiatan ini Program&nbsp; pengenalan&nbsp; dasar&nbsp; bahasa Arab&nbsp; ini&nbsp; memberikan&nbsp; hasil&nbsp; positif pada&nbsp; masyarakat di kelurahan Air Temam. Pengetahuan&nbsp; kosakata&nbsp; bahasa Arab&nbsp; masyarakat Air Temam sebelum&nbsp; mengikuti&nbsp; kegiatan&nbsp; ini&nbsp; masih&nbsp; sedikit&nbsp; dan&nbsp; lemah,&nbsp; setelah&nbsp; mengikuti kegiatan&nbsp; ini&nbsp; pengetahuan&nbsp; kosakatanya&nbsp; bertambah&nbsp; secara&nbsp; bertahap</p> 2024-04-02T03:33:23+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN MAHASISWA KAMPUS MENGAJAR ANGKATAN 5 DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN LITERASI DAN NUMERASI DI SDN SAMBONGREJO 1 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Ellycia Rahma Nurfidya Fahreza Radian Sri Rama Mohamad Rizal Nur Irawan novi darmayanti <p><em>Kemendikbud menerbitkan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), salah satu bentuknya adalah Program Kampus Mengajar yang merupakan bagian dari kegiatan pendidikan di sekolah dan mendukung pembelajaran di tingkat sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah. Merekrut mahasiswa sebagai bagian dari penguatan keterampilan membaca dan matematika serta bekerja sama dengan pengajar untuk menghadirkan kreativitas dan inovasi dalam proses belajar mengajar di kampus,ada tujuan utama. Fokusnya adalah mendukung pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan literasi dan numerasi dengan memperkenalkan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dan mendukung pengelolaan salah satu sekolah binaan awal untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran di SDN Sambongrejo 1.</em></p> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> 2024-04-02T03:52:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE SOCIALIZATION OF INDONESIAN CULTURE TO INTERNASIONAL STUDENT OF ISTANBUL SABAHATTIN ZAIM UNIVERISTY AS INTERNASIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Jaziela Huwaida Riza Ashari Andi Nur Fadhila Mahdiyah Nouval Salman Jaudat Iqbal Harris <p><em>The lack of insight of international students in the knowledge of Indonesian culture is one of the objectives of the implementation of the Indonesian culture event. Because the many Indonesian students in Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Univeristy is not the first support for international students to know Indonesian culture due to the busy class schedule. Whereas, Indonesia has a diversity of cultures which can be an opportunity for Indonesian students to introduce their culture to international students. The Indonesian culture event uses direct method and role-play to apply cultural introduction to international students.&nbsp; And the results of interviews from international students stated that they were very enthusiastic about the Indonesian culture event, this received good feedback for both sides, both in terms of the Turkish International KKN team and Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Univeristy.</em></p> 2024-04-02T03:58:51+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN DAN PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN HANTARAN PADA IBU-IBU PKK di DESA BANDUNGSARI KECAMATAN SUKODADI LAMONGAN 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Khofifah Indar Parawansyah Aqidatun Nisa’il Afrilia Khafidhoh Nurul Aini Abdur Rohim <p><em>Many housewives who have spare time but do not work due to a lack of knowledge and skills. Therefore, the existence of training attended by PKK mothers in Dusun Bandung, Bandungsari Village, Sukodadi District, Lamongan Regency, East Java, can increase knowledge and skills to fill leisure time, thus enabling them to open hantaran-making services as a side business. The training activity method applies four stages which include: the first stage is a survey using literature study, interviews, and direct observation methods; the second stage is material presentation using direct learning methods or lectures and Q&amp;A sessions; the third stage is training with direct practice methods; and the fourth stage is mentoring with direct observation methods. Based on the final scores obtained, which are 92% for enthusiasm, 88% for knowledge, and 90% for skills aspects, it can be concluded that overall this training is considered successful. Participants were enthusiastic in attending the training, understanding the presented material, and able to skillfully practice the training material. This training received positive responses, so it should be further developed, and there needs to be organized follow-up activities.</em></p> 2024-04-02T04:02:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## OPTIMALISASI KEUANGAN SYARIAH MELALUI PEMANFAATAN FINTECH: MITIGASI RISIKO PENIPUAN PINJAMAN ONLINE 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Nurul Aisah Ilham Wijaya Kusuma <p><em>Teenagers today have a hedonistic nature that allows them to do various things to fulfill their hedonistic desires, so that they can be exploited by irresponsible individuals, such as illegal online loans. The main problems faced by partners are low knowledge about Islamic finance and the use of fintech and partners who often receive illegal online loan offers that take advantage of people's awareness of Fintech. The solution offered to the problems felt through this program is through counseling and education as well as training on the safe use of Fintech. The method used in this service is Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which consists of several stages, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. As a result of this activity, partners experience an increase in knowledge about healthy sharia finance and an increase in partners' ability to use Fintech safely so that partners can make wise financial decisions</em></p> 2024-04-02T04:05:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KESADARAN PERATURAN HUKUM AKAN PENGEMBANGAN INVESTASI DI BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDES) KARANGREJO, KEDIRI 2024-04-05T11:50:05+00:00 Moh. Maruf Riyan Sisiawan Putra Tamara Adillatirrusdah Nurcahya Setiani Rahayu <p><em>This research aims to describe how legal regulations awareness efforts will develop investment in village-owned enterprises (BUMDES) Karangrejo, Kediri. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Furthermore, the data validity technique in this research uses triangulation. The results of this research explain that in this community service we can conclude that the legal basis that has been stated and applies in BUMDES Karangrejo, Kediri still does not apply well in the governance of BUMDES. Awareness of the law in investment development can still be said to be lacking, this can be seen from the many rights and obligations that are ignored when investing in BUMDES. Therefore, in this service activity, counseling is provided regarding the legal basis and basis of BUMDES and development of BUMDES investment, counseling regarding the rights and obligations of investors and BUMDES, and providing legal assistance to optimize BUMDES Karangejo, Kediri.</em></p> 2024-04-05T06:50:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOSIALISASI PENGUATAN STANDAR PENJAMINAN MUTU INTERNAL BERBASIS 5 ASAS PERJUANGAN BUNG KARNO (Refleksi dan Penelusuran Identitas Kampus Nasionalis) 2024-04-29T11:06:11+00:00 Johan Erwin Isharyanto Adhi Putra Satria <p><em>This article is the result of dedication and socialization activities aimed at examining and analyzing the principles of Bung Karno's struggle, as well as their relevance to the implementation of higher education in Indonesia. This article emphasizes the exploration of views, ideas, and concepts based on data, both secondary and primary data, which are then presented descriptively qualitatively. The results of the analysis and literature review show that towards the principles of Bung Karno's struggle in his ideas include 5 main principles, namely, among others, the radical-revolutionary principle, machtvorming, mass-action, non-cooperation, self-help &amp; self-reliance. These principles have relevance to the implementation of higher education especially in campuses characterized by nationalism, where these principles can be used as guidelines in determining the content of how internal quality assurance standards are made, implemented, and consistently implemented to achieve graduates who truly have character and true nationalist spirit.</em></p> 2024-04-29T11:06:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##