AGRORADIX : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AGRORADIX:&nbsp;</strong>is a research journal published by agriculture faculty, Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum (UNISDA). Agroradix provides a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the scope of plant/crop science, agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding - tissue culture, hydroponic/soil less cultivation, soil plant science, plant protection. and agribusiness. This journal is published twice times annually, July and December.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Agroradix has been indexed in <strong>Portal Garuda, Dimension, Google Scholar, Sinta and DOAJ</strong>. Agroradix has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>204/E/KPT/2022 PERIOD: Volume 4 No. 2, 2021 until Volume 8 No. 1, 2026 (SINTA 6)</strong></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">ISSN : 2621-0665</p> en-US (Istiqomah) (Istiqomah) Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 ANALISIS KANDUNGAN UNSUR HARA PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR DARI KOTORAN SAPI DAN DAUN Pueraria javanica <p>Cow dung and leaves of Pueraria javanica are organic wastes that highly available and content nutrients. Generally, there is a lot of <em>Pueraria javanica’s</em> leaf waste in oil palm plantations that will have mature period. Both of these wastes could be used as liquid organic fertilizer that has advantage of being easier to apply and could be watered at the same time. It will also more profitable when the application doing in the dry season. The purpose of this study are to obtain alternative organic waste and determine the nutrient content of the best liquid organic fertilizer. This research conducted at PT Rea Kaltim, East Kalimantan, from May to September 2022. This research used a descriptive method consisting of observation, literature study and interviews. Liquid organic fertilizer treatment consisted of 4 mixtures, there are P0 (1 kg of cow dung + 0 kg of <em>Pueraria javanica</em>), P1 (1 kg + 0,25), P2 (1 kg + 0,5 kg), P3 (1 kg + 0,75&nbsp;kg), and P4 (1 kg + 1 kg). The result of research showed that cow dung and <em>Pueraria javanica</em> could be used as alternative organic materials for the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer. Based on the results of analysis, the best nutrient content in liquid organic fertilizer was found in the treatment of 1 kg of cow manure and 1 kg of <em>Pueraria javanica</em> with 0,21% nitrogen, 0,12% phosphorus and 0,20% potassium.</p> Toto Suryanto, Fandi Julian, Aang Kuvaini ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:06:00 +0000 PERSEPSI PETANI KOPI TERHADAP PEMBERDAYAAN OLEH KOMUNITAS ASSALWA RESOURCE CENTER (KASUS DI DESA TOMBO KECAMATAN BANDAR KABUPATEN BATANG) <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Konsumsi kopi di Indonesia terus meningkat, sehingga harus diimbangi dengan produksi yang meningkat pula. Peningkatan produksi kopi dapat dicapai dengan melakukan pemberdayaan. Keberhasilan pemberdayaan salah satunya ditentukan oleh persepsi petani. Di Desa Tombo Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Batang terdapat pemberdayaan petani kopi yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Assalwa Resource Center (ARC). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi petani kopi dan melihat hubungan antara faktor pembentuk persepsi dengan persepsi petani kopi terhadap pemberdayaan oleh komunitas ARC. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja atau purposive. Teknik nonprobability sampling digunakan untuk menentukan sampel penelitian. Uji korelasi rank spearman digunakan sebagai metode untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi petani terhadap pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Assalwa Resource Center dalam kategori baik. Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor umur serta pengalaman dengan persepsi petani kopi. Faktor pendidikan formal, pendapatan dan jumlah tanggungan keluarga memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan dengan persepsi petani kopi terhadap pemberdayaan oleh komunitas Assalwa Resource Center.</p> <p>Kata kunci : &nbsp;Pemberdayaan, Persepsi, Tombo</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Coffee consumption in Indonesia continues to increase, so it must be balanced with increased production as well. Increased coffee production can be achieved by empowering. One of the successes of empowerment is determined by the perception of farmers. In Tombo Village, Bandar District, Batang Regency there is an empowerment of coffee farmers carried out by the Assalwa Resource Center (ARC) community. The purpose of this study was to examine the &nbsp;perceptions of coffee farmers’ and see whether there is a relationship between perception-forming factors and coffee farmers’ perception of empowerment by the ARC community. The research method uses a descriptive analytical method with a quantitive approach. The selection of research locations was determined intentionally or purposively. Nonprobabily sampling technique is used to determine the researce sample. Spearman’s rank corellation test was used as a data analysis method. The results showed that the farmers’ perception of the empowerment carried out by the Assalwa Resource Center Community were in the good category. There is a significant relationship between age and experience with the perceptions of coffee farmers. Formal education, income and number of family dependents have no significant relationship with coffee farmers’ perception of empowerment by the Assalwa Resource Center community.</p> <p>Key words: Empowerment,&nbsp; Perception, Tombo</p> Timronah Timronah, Retno Setyowati, Joko Winarno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH PENERAPAN BERBAGAI BAHAN SEBAGAI MULSA TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN TUMBUH PADA TANAMAN FAMILI Solanaceae <p><em>Crop yields can be increased by the agronomic practice of mulching. Mulching influences the microclimate of roots and keeps the soil physically stable from exposure to sunlight and moisture. Despite using a variety of substances, mulching, in theory, just safeguards the soil's surface. Mulch is supposed to be able to function by using certain plant biomass that is hard to degrade. In the Barito Kuala District, biomass such as empty oil palm, water hyacinth, and apu wood signs are freely accessible, however,&nbsp;these resources are not well used for farming. The aim of this study was to identify the mulch type that can inhibit weed development, limit soil temperature rises, and preserve soil moisture content. Using a randomized block design and patterned random sampling, this study was carried out in Sidomakmur Village, Batola Regency, from January to May 2023. The BNT 5% model was used for the data analysis. There were four different types of treatments used: no mulch (M0), mulch covered in silver-black plastic (M1), mulch made from empty oil palm bunches (M2), mulch made from water hyacinth (M3), and mulch made from water lettuce (M4). According to the findings, mulching lowered soil heat, restricted weed development by 98% compared to no mulching, and kept soil moisture content above the permanent wilting threshold index. The best treatment to reduce &nbsp;temperatures in the soil and suppress the growth of weeds had mulching using empty palm oil bunches.</em></p> Muhammad Helmy Abdillah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:11:50 +0000 RESPON PEMBERIAN PUPUK HAYATI BIONEENSIS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN JUMLAH MATA TUNAS TANAMAN JAHE MERAH <p><em>Ginger is an agricultural commodity that has good opportunities and prospects for development. Bioneensis biofertilizer contains bacteria isolated from oil palm roots and has many benefits for plants. This study aims to determine the effect of biofertilizer application bioneensis on the growth of the number of shoots and the production of red ginger (zingiber officinale var. Rubrum). This study used a factorial randomized blok design with 2 factors and 3 replications. Giving bioneensis (B) consists of 4 levels, namely B0 (0 gr/polybag), B1 (20gr/polybag), B2 (40 gr/polybag), and B3 (60 gr/polybag). The number of buds consists of 4 levels, namely M1(1 mata tunas), M2 (2 mata tunas), M3 (3 mata tunas), and M4 (4 mata tunas). The results of the study gave a very significant effect on the parameters, namely plant height (cm) and the effect was not significant on parameters, number of leaves (helai), number of tillers per polybag, and canopy dry weight (gr). While the results of the study on the application of biofertilizer bioneensis and the number of buds showed no significant effect on all parameters, namely plant height (cm), number of leaves (helai), number of tillers per polybag, and canopy dry weight (gr). The best treatment was found in the parameters of plant height with a dose of 60% bioneensis and the number of shoots 2 with an average yield of 77.17&nbsp; cm.</em></p> Delia Eka Novita, Siti Khairani, Juhardi Sembiring ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:45:03 +0000 PENGARUH PUPUK NPK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PRODUKSI JAGUNG MANIS (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) DI LAMPUNG UTARA <p>Sweet corn (Zea mays saccsharata Sturt.) is one of the plants that is widely produced and a source of food staples in Indonesia, such as processed food, drinks, and so on. The low productivity of sweet corn in North Lampung is caused by the use of excessive doses and the wrong fertilization method. This problem can be overcome by implementing a good cultivation system, including applying fertilization with the right dosage so that plants can produce according to their potential results.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer treatment on the growth and yield of sweet corn at the best dose of NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of sweet corn. This research was conducted experimentally using RAL (Completely Randomized Design). It consists of one factor with 3 levels, namely K0: Control, K1: Giving NPK 150 kg/ha (1.8 kg/plant plot) K2: Giving NPK 300 kg/ha (3.6 kg/plant plot).The results showed that the NPK treatment had a significant effect on plant height at 30 HST. The stem diameter showed a significant effect when the sweet corn was 30 and 45 HST. The number of leaves shows that NPK fertilizer has no real effect. The length of the cobs with husks, the length of the cobs without husks, the weight of the husked cobs, the weight of the cobs without husks and the weight of the stover showed real results.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nyang Vania Ayuningtyas Harini, Yeyen Ilmiasari, Refky Sanjaya, Eko Abadi Novrimansyah, Septa Febrianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 03:07:53 +0000 PRODUKSI BEBERAPA VARIETAS BAWANG MERAH TRUE SHALLOT SEED (TSS) TERHADAP PEMBERIAN BOKASHI <p><em>Shallots are included in the horticultural value-added products because of their high economic value. Shallots consumption continues to increase but has not been followed by an increase in its productivity. Shallot productivity can be increased by applying bokashi. This study aims to determine the production of several True Shallot Seed varieties to bokashi application. The research used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two factors. The first factor is TSS varieties namely Sanren, Lokananta, Maserati and Tuk-tuk. The second factor is bokashi with a dose consisting of 0 kg m<sup>-2</sup>, 2.5 kg m<sup>-2</sup>, and 5 kg m<sup>-2</sup>. There were twelve treatments repeated three times. The observed characters were bulb length, bulb diameter, number of tillers, bulb fresh weight, bulb dry weight, bulb fresh weight per cluster, bulb dry weight per cluster. The results showed that Maserati and Sanren varieties had high production with bulb dry weight per cluster of 36.49 grams and 33.15 grams, respectively. The application of bokashi at a dose of 2.5 kg m<sup>-2</sup> is more efficient than a dose of 5.0 kg m<sup>-2</sup> because both can increase the bulb length, bulb diameter, bulb fresh weight, and bulb dry weight. </em></p> Reza Zulfahmi, Mustika Adzania Lestari, Hevia Purnama Sari, Desty Aulia Putrantri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 03:41:18 +0000 METODE RADIASI IONIZING DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN KUALITAS BUAH DAN SAYURAN PASCA PANEN <p>Menjaga kualitas buah dan sayur setelah panen menjadi masalah penting bagi industri pertanian dimana hasil pertanian banyak mengalami kerusakan sebelum dikonsumsi. Metode radiasi ionizing telah menjadi pendekatan yang efektif dalam mempertahankan kualitas buah dan sayuran pasca panen. Radiasi ionizing, termasuk sinar gamma dan berkas elektron, telah terbukti efektif dalam memperpanjang masa simpan bahan pangan dan mengurangi kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh mikroba patogen. Radiasi ionizing berfungsi dengan mengionisasi bahan pangan menggunakan sinar tertentu, sehingga membunuh atau menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba berbahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran metode radiasi ionizing dalam mempertahankan kualitas buah dan sayuran pasca panen. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif&nbsp; kualitatif melalui studi pustaka atau studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan radiasi ionizing telah berhasil memperlambat penyusutan berat bahan pangan, menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri berbahaya seperti Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, dan E-coli, serta mempertahankan aktivitas antioksidan dalam buah dan sayuran. Faktor-faktor seperti dosis radiasi, keberadaan oksigen, kandungan air, suhu, dan komposisi media memengaruhi efektivitas radiasi dalam memerangi mikroba.</p> Akhmad Rosyidan Rifaldi, Donny Harya Juanda, Kendid Mahmudi, Trapsilo Prihandono, Wina Tiodora Br Sinuraya, May Yani Br Sembiring ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 05:25:49 +0000 PENGARUH ALIH FUNGSI LAHAN SAWAH MENJADI KEBUN KELAPA SAWIT TERHADAP KEANEKARAGAMAN MAKROFAUNA TANAH DI KECAMATAN SITIUNG KABUPATEN DHARMASRAYA <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Alih fungsi lahan sawah menjadi lahan kelapa sawit dengan status kesuburan tanah yang rendah diduga menyebabkan degredasi lahan. Makrofauna tanah merupakan salah satu tolak ukur yang cukup sensitif pada perubahan lingkungan, sehingga makrofauna tanah sangat cocok sebagai bioindikator kesuburan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah dan jenis makrofauna tanah yang mendominasi pada kebun kelapa sawit yang merupakan alih fungsi dari lahan sawah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lahan sawah dan lahan yang merupakan alih fungsi sawah menjadi kelapa sawit dengan umur tegakan 7 tahun. Pengamatan makrofauna tanah dilakukan dengan metode <em>hand sorting</em> menggunakan monolith berukuran 30 x 30 cm dengan kedalaman 20 cm. Dari penelitian ini diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman pada lahan alih fungsi sawah menjadi kelapa sawit termasuk pada kategori sedang dan indeks kemerataan jenis yang stabil, akan tetapi memiliki nilai kekayaan jenis yang rendah. Ordo yang mendominasi pada lahan alih fungsi sawah menjadi kelapa sawit adalah Hymenoptera sedangkan ordo yang mendominasi pada lahan sawah adalah Opisthopora. Terdapat korelasi yang positif terhadap alih fungsi lahan sawah menjadi kebun kelapa sawit dengan keanekaragaman makrofauna (<em>r</em>=0,383). Dengan demikian dapat diketahui bahwa alih fungsi lahan sawah menjadi kebun kelapa sawit akan meningkatkan keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Kesuburan, Korelasi, Lingkungan, Monolith, Serangga</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sisilia Rosana, Syafrimen Yasin, Dewi Rezki ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 06:25:28 +0000 PENGARUH SAMPAH ORGANIK TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK KIMIA VERMIKOMPOS <p><em>Vermicompost is a fertilizer produced by composting organic matter by utilizing the interaction between earthworms and microorganism. Vermicompost also contains a number of macro and micro nutrients needed by plants. Besides containing macro and micro of nutrients, vermicompost also containing growth hormone such as cytokinins and auxins which are produced by worms during the composting process. The benefits of vermicompost are that it can improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, increase the ability of the soil to retain water, rebuild damaged soil structures and increase ability of the soil to exchange cations. The fermentation process lasted for 14 days using Lumbricus rubellus worms. The choice of this type worm is based on its character which has a high level of productivity, can eat all types of organic matter, is much more adaptive and move less actively. This research was held in Sumbersalak Village, Ledokombo District, Jember Regency and also involving the Kenconowungu farmer group. Goat manure become waste in this village so it has potential to be developed further as the main ingredient for vermicompost. The other additional materials such as vegetable and fruits waste, and leaf litter were used as factor (treatment). These three types of materials are used to find out which treatment gives the best vermicompost quality. Chemical analysis was carried out in this study to determine the organic N, P, K, C organic, pH, and water content. The result of the analysis will be compared with the standards of Minister of Agriculture No.70 of 2011. </em></p> Ahmad Ilham Tanzil, Puji Rahayu, Raudhotun Jamila, Wahyu Indra Duwi Fanata, Ummi Sholikhah, Tri Ratnasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 08 Dec 2023 07:13:57 +0000 PENGARUH KONSENTRASI PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR NASA PADA PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN SAWI HIJAU (Brassica juncea L) <p>Green mustard plants are plants that are cultivated because they have high economic value and are needed by the community. However, there are problems in cultivation, one way to overcome them is by providing liquid organic fertilizer. NASA POC is a liquid organic fertilizer derived from agricultural and livestock waste which has a high macro and micro nutrient content. The aim of the research was to determine the best NASA POC concentration that increases the growth and yield of mustard greens (<em>Brassica juncea</em> L). The research used quantitative analysis designed in a 1 factor Randomized Block Design consisting of 6 levels and repeated 4 times. Observation variables were plant height, stem diameter and fresh weight of green mustard plants. The data was analyzed using variance. The results of this research were that the application of NASA POC of 10 ml/L was able to increase the height of green mustard plants by 21.53 cm, stem diameter by 14.40 cm, and fresh weight of mustard greens by 195.70 grams.</p> Army Dita Serdani, Palupi Puspitorini, Jeka Widiatmanta, Inggar Andhini Nindraningputri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 18 Dec 2023 13:43:09 +0000 EFEKTIVITAS APLIKASI JENIS PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR DAN BIOCHAR TERHADAP PRODUKSI TANAMAN SAWI PAKCOY (Brassica rapa L.) <p><em>As Indonesia's population increases, pak choy mustard greens (Brassica rapa L.) are increasingly popular with the general public. However, this increase in demand is not accompanied by an even increase in supply. The use of biochar and liquid organic fertilizer is considered to be able to overcome this problem in order to increase the production of pak choy mustard greens.</em> <em>The aim of this research was to determine the effect of using biochar and liquid organic fertilizer on the growth of pakcoy mustard greens. This research was carried out from March to May 2023 in German Village, Sugio, Lamongan. This research uses a Factorial Randomized group Design Method (RAKF) which involves two factors with three levels of each factor. Which consists of types of liquid organic fertilizer: cow biourine, rabbit biourine, Poc Nasa as well as biochar type factors: rice husk biochar, corn cob biochar, coconut shell biochar. Fisher's test (F test) was used to perform an analysis of variance on the data collected from these observations, with a significance level of 5% and 1%. The Least Significant Difference test was applied at the 5% significance level to further analyze the treatment that had a significant impact. In particular, the parameters of plant height and number of leaves at the age of 14 days after planting showed significant variations between the various biochar treatments, based on the results of the analysis of variance. Interactions between these factors were also recorded. Fresh weight per plant, wet weight per plot and wet weight per hectare, as well as plant height and number of leaves at 21, 28 and 35 days after planting. In particular, the use of treatments involving rabbit biourin and corncob biochar gave the best results in this investigation.</em></p> Emmy Hamidah, Istiqomah Istiqomah, Ela Nur Fadhillah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:08:33 +0000 UPAYA PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI TANAMAN TOMAT (Solanum lycopersicum M.) DENGAN APLIKASI PUPUK DAUN DAN PUPUK KCL <p><em>Fertilization is a critical element in agricultural practices because plants need adequate and balanced nutrition to grow and develop well. Common obstacles faced in growing tomato plants, such as lack of nutrition or low yields. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of foliar fertilizer and KCl fertilizer doses on increasing the growth and production of tomato plants. The research was conducted from February to April 2022 in Jugo Village, Sekaran District, Lamongan Regency. This research used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) procedure with two treatment factors. The first factor is the type of foliar fertilizer, consisting of 3 levels, including Growmore, Mamigro, and Gandasil D foliar fertilizer. The second factor, namely the dose of KCl fertilizer, consists of 3 levels, including no fertilizer (control), 100 kg/ha, and 150 kg/ha. Ha. The conclusion in this research is that there is an interaction between the type of foliar fertilizer treatment and the dose of KCl fertilizer on the parameters of plant height, number of leaves and number of branches at age. Treatments for various types of foliar fertilizer differ significantly in the parameters of number of fruit per plant, fruit diameter per plant, fruit weight per plant, and fruit weight per hectare. Mamigro leaf fertilizer treatment and a 150 kg dose of KCl fertilizer was the best treatment combination.</em></p> Choirul Anam, Dian Eka Kusumawati, Yuyun Ayunda Apriliya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 19 Dec 2023 06:48:10 +0000 ANALISA PEMBERIAN JENIS PUPUK ORGANIK DAN PEMASANGAN SUNGKUP TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI BAWANG MERAH (Allium ascalonicum L.) <p>Onion plant growth is often limited by nutrient availability and environmental influences. In addition, the use of hoods as a plant protection technique is expected to create microenvironmental conditions favorable to growth.&nbsp; The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of using various kinds of organic fertilizers and the application of hoods in increasing shallot production. Factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) was used, which consisted of two factors. The first factor was the type of organic fertilizer, namely bokashi fertilizer, guano fertilizer, and cow fertilizer. The second factor was the hood, namely control, waring hoods, and plastic hoods. Observation parameters observed in the vegetative phase consisted of: number of leaves, plant height. While the generative phase consisted of: number of tubers, wet weight of tubers per sample, wet weight of tubers per plot, dry weight of tubers per sample, and dry weight of tubers per plot. The results of variance analysis showed significant differences in the parameters of plant height at 14, 21, 28 days, and the number of leaves at 14, 21 days. In all parameters observed, the hoods treatment in the generative phase showed no significant results. The results of the study obtained that the treatment of guano fetilizer without a hoods produced the best tuber weight.</p> Mariyatul Qibtiyah, Muhammad Nuri, Choirul Anam, Muhammad Imam Aminuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 18 Dec 2023 13:03:34 +0000 REVIEW : KARAKTERISTIK FISIKOKIMIA DAN STABILITAS PIGMEN ANATTO (Bixa orellana L.) SEBAGAI PEWARNA ALAMI PADA PANGAN <p><em>Anatto plant (Bixa orellana L.) is a plant that contains two types of pigments, namely bixin and norboxin. Bixin is the main pigment in kesumba fruit which is non-polar, while norbixin is polar. The utilization of anatto pigment have the potential to serve as a natural coloring agent for food. The physicochemical characteristics of annatto pigments are related to size, shape, boiling point, melting point, solubility, constituent compounds, bonds between atoms, polarity, and chemical reactions. Kesumba seeds can produce annatto pigments through an extraction process. Annatto extraction produces a yellowish orange color obtained from the outer layer of the seeds of the kesumba plant. The method used in the bixin extraction process is the maceration method by soaking the kesumba seeds in a mixture of organic solvents that match the polarity properties of bixin or norbixin pigments. Annatto seed powder has a greater attachment to oil than attachment to water, annatto seed powder has a relatively higher OHC than WHC. The melting point of bixin is 195°C and its boiling point is 280°C while the boiling point of norbixin ranges from 287-289°C and its melting point ranges from 169-170°C. The application of anatto pigment is used in commercial cheese products, cassava crackers, karag crackers, and pork patties. Besides functioning as a colorant, bixin extract can be to supply antioxidants due to its composition containing cartenoids.</em></p> Winda Nurtiana, Dhiya Fathinah, Ghina Aulia, Andrew Christian Handoyo, Zira Rahmadhania, Siti Erisna Wati, Deana Zeni Rofita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:23:11 +0000 ANALISIS DAYA SAING EKSPOR KOPI INDONESIA PADA PASAR INTERNASIONAL <p>Kopi, sebagai minuman global yang berasal dari tanaman pertanian, memegang peranan sentral dalam ekonomi Indonesia yang menjadi salah satu produsen terbesar di dunia. Meskipun berhasil mengekspor, sektor kopi di Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan perubahan iklim dan kendala produksi. Untuk mempertahankan posisinya di pasar internasional, Indonesia perlu mengambil langkah-langkah strategis seperti peningkatan kualitas kopi, diversifikasi produk, pemenuhan standar internasional, dan kolaborasi sektor publik dan swasta. Melalui analisis Metode RCA, ekspor kopi Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat, Mesir, dan Jerman menunjukkan daya saing yang kuat dengan rata-rata RCA sekitar 6 hingga 7,561296. Mesir menjadi tujuan ekspor yang paling unggul dengan RCA tertinggi pada tahun 2019, meskipun mengalami penurunan selama pandemi. Untuk menjaga daya saing, perlu dilakukan upaya berkelanjutan dalam peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas perkebunan kopi, serta kerjasama antarstakeholder untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan sektor kopi Indonesia secara berkelanjutan di pasar internasional. Untuk menjaga daya saing, perlu dilakukan upaya berkelanjutan dalam peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas perkebunan kopi. Pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan stakeholder terkait perlu bekerja sama untuk mengatasi tantangan dan untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan sektor kopi Indonesia secara berkelanjutan di pasar internasional, memastikan bahwa ekspor kopi terus menjadi kontributor utama pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.</p> Anisah Nadiyah Ananda, Tasya Sagita Azzahra, Widia Susanti, Rinandita Wikansari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:27:10 +0000