Author Guidelines
Jurnal Agroradix publishes agrotechnoligal articles covering plant/crop science, agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding - tissue culture, hydroponic/soil less cultivation, soil plant science, plant protection issues, and agribusiness.
Policies :
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal and conference for consideration
- The author(s) release Jurnal Agro Editor from the possibility of lawsuit of Intellectual Property Right (HAKI), particularly property rights of the third party. If the lawsuit occured then the author(s) is expected to accomplish the lawsuit without involving the Jurnal Agro Editor or related institution.
Writing Format. The manuscript is written in Bahasa or English in 10 -15 pages including tables, graphics and figures. General Provision: page size A4, margin top, bottom, right, left are 3 cm, font Calibri size 11, space 1 for title, abstrak and abstract, 1,15 for content, and no footnote in the text. Each new paragraphs including abstrak and abstract written in 5 point indent.
Title. Title is written both in Bahasa Indonesia and English, preferly not exceed 14 words in Bahasa Indonesia and 12 words in English. Title is made as capital letter, except taxonomy name should be written in Italic. Author’s name (without academic title) and institution including address and correspondence email are listed under the title of the article.
Abstrak and Abstract. Abstrak is written in Bahasa Indonesia, and abstract is written in English 150-200 words, contain background, method, result and conclusion. Abstrak and abstract are written in one paragraph. Kata kunci is/are written under the abstrak, and keywords are written under the abstract and not exceed 5 words alphabetically in order.
Contain of Manuscript.
- Research Paper. Manuscript consists of introduction, material and method, result, discussion, conclusion, references. Acknowledgement, if any, is placed before references.
Table and Figure. Table and figure are numbered in order (1, 2, 3, … and more). Table title is written upon the table in a single spacing. Table and graphic information should be made clearly to be understood without reading the text. Figure is made in a contrast black and white.
Reference. It is not allowed to write reference un-cited in the manuscript. Primary references (journals and proceedings) and actual references (issued in last 10 years) are over 80%. All reference mentioned should be written down alphabetically. in reference using American Physicological Association (APA) system. The author are suggested to use application of reference management such as Mendeley.
Reference writing examples as follow:
(1) Journal
Sobari, E. & Wicaksana, N. (2017). Keragaman genetik dan kekerabatan genotip kacang bambara (Vigna subteranea L.) lokal Jawa Barat. Jurnal Agro, 4(2), 90-96.
Hodiyah, I., Hartini, E., Amilin, A, & Yusup, M.F. (2017). Daya hambat ekstrak daun sirsak, kirinyuh, dan rimpang lengkuas terhadap pertumbuhan koloni Colletotrichum acutatum. Jurnal Agro, 4(2), 80-89.
(2) Proceeding
Rohaeni, W.R., Susanto, U., Wening, R.H., & Dalimunthe, S.R. (2015). Evaluasi karakter agronomis galur-galur padi tadah hujan generasi lanjut. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Padi, “Pertanian berkelanjutan mendukung kedaulatan pangan nasional”, Medan 3 Desember 2015.
(3) Book
Qurrohman, B.F.T. (2017). Formulasi nutrisi hidroponik AB mix dengan aplikasi MS Excel dan Hydrobuddy. Yogyakarta: Plantaxia.
Nurmala, T., A. D. Suyono, A. Rodzak, T. Suganda, S. Natasasmita, T. Simarmata, E. H. Salim, Y. Yuwariah, T. P. Sendjaja, S. N Wiyono, & S. Hasani. (2012). Pengantar ilmu pertanian. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
(4) Chapter in a book
Preiss, J., & M. N. Sivak. (1996). Starch synthesis in sinks and sources. In E. Zamski & A .A. Schaffer (Eds). Photoassimilate distribution in plants and crops; Source-sink relationships. pp. 98-135. New York, USA: Marcel Dekker.