Author Guideline
Authors are able to submit manuscripts to the journal directly through the journal's website by select your role as “Author” in registrasion process. Start the submission process by log in using the username and password that have been registered or the results being sent to the author email. The Author is asked to upload a submission file and to provide metadata or indexing information. Follow the processing steps untill the fifth step and click "finish submission". The final page provides a link to your Active Submissions, also immediately available upon entering OJS as an author.
The authors must refer to ADILLA template for writing format and style (Please download ADILLA template and use is as initial manuscript template for submission). This will ensure fast publication process. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors will be rejected.
Please be sure to check for spelling and grammar before submitting your paper. Anyone who has made independent contributions to the manuscript should be invited to become a coauthor.
Check the status of your manuscript periodically untill published.
Authors should present their papers honestly without plagiarism or data manipulation. All authors must take public responsibility for the content of their paper.
Paper Preparation
Basic guidelines for preparing papers for the ADILLA are provided in this section. An example of the desired layout for papers is provided in Microsoft Word template. ADILLA papers are limited from ten to twenty pages at submission and written in English.
Parts of the Paper
The paper at least consist of the following section/item
Paper Title
The paper title should be in uppercase and lowercase letters, not all uppercase.
Author Line
The name of each author must appear on the paper. Full names of authors are preferred in the author line, but are not required. Do not use all uppercase for authors' surnames. The affiliation of each author must also appear. For foreign authors, please include the countries in the affiliations. The corresponding author email is preferred using institutional email address.
The abstract is limited to 150–200 words and cannot contain equations, figures, tables, or references. It should concisely state the aim of the research, method/approach used, principal results, and their significance. For paper that written in Bahasa Indonesia you need to write two abstracts i.e. in English and in Bahasa Indonesia.
Key words
The author shall provide up to 10 keywords to help identify the major topics of the paper.
Nomenclature (if needed)
A nomenclature list should precede the Introduction.
Introduction consist of background or problem and its significance of the research. It also should clearly states the purpose of the research, gap analysis and hypothesis (if any). When describing gap analysis please provide references for other related previous works and clearly state the position of the research to other literature.
This section explain detail of the research methods. The detail must sufficient for other to reproduce the research.
Results and discussions
The section address connections between findings and basic concepts or hypothesis made earlier. Authors should also express whether any arguments were needed relating to other works from other researchers. Write implications made by the work related to theoretical or applications. Write results in logical sequence.
The conclusion should be linked to the title and objectives of the study. Do not make statements not adequately supported by your findings. Do not use bulleted points, use paragraphed sentences instead
Appendix (if needed)
Appendixes appear before the acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment (if needed)
Financial support should be stated in acknowledgment. For example: This work was supported in part by the Indonesian Department of XXX under Grant BS123
References are important to the reader; therefore, each citation must be complete and correct. Please use citation software such as Footnote and Mendeley. List only one reference per reference number. If a reference is available from two sources, each should be listed as a separate reference. Give all authors' names; do not use et al. Use Turabian 8th reference style.
Samples of the correct formats for various types of references are given below.
DEKS Bank Indonesia – DES-FEB UNAIR, Wakaf: Pengaturan dan Tata Kelola yang Efektif, Departemen Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah – Bank Indonesia: Jakarta. 2016.
Hidayat, Herman, Deforestasi dan Ketahanan Sosial,Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia: Jakarta. 2019
Sup, Devid Frastiawan Amir, Relevansi Konsep Hutan Wakaf dengan Konsep Wakaf di dalam Islam, jurnal ekonomi Islam Vol. 07 No. 01 juni 2021, hal 56-63
Rohmaningtyas, Nurwinsyah, Wakaf dan Bencana Alam di Indonesia, Jurnal Adilla Vol. 4 No.02 Juni 2021.
Shohibuddin, Mohammad, Wakaf Agraria: Signifikansi Wakaf Bagi Agenda Reforma Agraria, Magnum Pustaka Utama: Yogyakarta. 2019
Lubis, Suhrawadi K, dkk, Wakaf & Pemberdayaan Umat, Sinar Grafika: Jakarta, 2010.