Madani Jurnal Politik dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan <p>MADANI Journal is a peer reviewed journal published by Faculty of Social and Political Science, Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan. This journal welcomes articles that focus on community, culture, and politics. The disciplines of interest encompass&nbsp; Public Administration, Business Administration, politics, history, social and physical anthropology, public policy, globalization, education, poverty and growth, leadership and social issues. This journal published quarterly and has been certified as a Scientific Journal by Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education RISTEKDIKTI, ISSN 2620-8857 (media online) since 2018 with the frequency of issuance 3 times a year (february, august and december).</p> <p>Submissions must be&nbsp;<strong>original work</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>have&nbsp;never been previously published</strong>. Research manuscripts&nbsp;are preferred. This should be proved by sending&nbsp;<strong>Author's Statement&nbsp;</strong>through email. The chief editor&nbsp;<strong>will not process</strong>&nbsp;author's submission (whether in e-mail or in OJS submission menu) unless this statement letter is attached.&nbsp;</p> en-US (ACHMAD DEDY YUSUF EFFENDI) (FISIP UNISDA LAMONGAN) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 06:24:59 +0000 OJS 60 Kekerasan Seksual dan Viktimisasi Korban Perempuan : Analisis Melalui Lensa Teori Kriminologi Feminisme <p>Sexual violence is not only a criminal matter, but also an attack on human rights. It is important to view sexual violence as a crime that undermines the dignity and integrity of individuals, both men and women. Despite recent advances in gender equality, traditional views of women as weak and subordinate still influence societal attitudes. This can exacerbate the victimization of women and make law enforcement more difficult. Therefore, there is a need for an inclusive approach to involve men in the prevention of sexual violence. Feminist criminology theory helps both researchers and readers broaden their understanding of sexual violence by highlighting its underlying structural and cultural aspects. This approach addresses gender inequality in law enforcement policies and gives voice to victims who are often ignored. Measures to prevent victimization include public education, better access to support services, increased awareness of victims' rights, and improved law enforcement systems that are responsive and fair.</p> Keisha Keisha ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 25 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen dalam Jual Beli yang tidak Sesuai Dengan Perjanjian pada Transaksi E-Commerce <p>Advances in information and communication technology (internet) are not only to find various information, but some people make it a medium for conducting transactions in e-commerce. The positive aspects of e-commerce transactions, in addition to saving time, are also more certain prices, but that does not mean without weaknesses; for example, the goods purchased are not as promised. Of course, this harms consumers, so there are disputes between consumers and business actors. Therefore, there needs to be legal protection, considering that consumers are often positioned as weak parties. This study examines whether the elements in e-commerce transactions meet the aspects of buying and selling in the Civil Code and how the Consumer Protection Law provides legal protection if the goods purchased by consumers are not by the agreement. This research is a normative legal research using a statutory, concept, and comparative approach. Legal materials are collected through literature research. Legal materials are analysed by quoting and reviewing relevant articles of laws and regulations. At the same time, the opinions of scholars are cited and used as a theoretical basis to answer research questions.The results of the discussion of research problems can conclude that the main elements in e-commerce transactions are buyers, sellers, goods and prices by the aspects of buying and selling in the Civil Code. Still, in e-commerce transactions, additional parties are involved, namely intermediaries. For consumers who feel aggrieved because the goods purchased are not by the agreement, the form of legal protection is to be able to claim compensation through litigation or non-litigation channels.</p> Sholihan Sholihan, Rusydi Rusydi, Shalahudddin Serba Bagus, Amatus Sudin, Annafidzatul Qulub ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS HUKUM TERHADAP PENGAMPUAN ATAS PENYANDANG DISABILITAS MENTAL (Studi Penetapan Pengadilan No. 2238/Pdt.P/2021/PN.Sby.) <p>Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities states: "Persons with disabilities may be declared incompetent based on the decision of the district court." Related to these provisions, in applications for the forgiveness of mentally destabilized persons, the Applicant must follow the procedures stipulated in the laws and regulations, state the reasons, and also clearly state the Applicant and the party requested for custody (Respondent).<br>The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of the forgiveness institution regulated in the Civil Code (KUH Perdata) and the legal consequences related to Determination Number 2238 / Pdt.P / 2021 / PN. Sby. This research is a normative legal research using a statutory approach, a concept approach, and a case approach. Legal material is taken by conducting literature research. Analysis of legal materials is carried out by quoting and reviewing relevant articles of laws and regulations. In contrast, the opinions of scholars quoted are then used as a theoretical basis to answer the subject matter.<br>Based on the results and discussion of the legal issues raised, it can be concluded that the importance of forgiveness regulated in the Civil Code is to find out the parties related to the application for forgiveness, the type of authority of the custodian in managing the interests of the civil and the Respondent, so that there is no abuse by the custodian.</p> Rusydi Rusydi, Shalahudddin Serba Bagus, Sholihan Sholihan, Amatus Sudin, Annafidzatul Qulub ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Rasio Legis Kewenangan Mahkamah Agung Terkait Permohonan Uji Pendapat Keputusan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 02/P/KHS/2020) <p>Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government places the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of the district as the organizing element of Regional Government. In carrying out its duties, authorities, and functions, the District DPRD has the right to interpolate, questionnaire, and express opinions. Implementing these three rights is related to the thought that the policies of the regent or local government will have a broad impact on the lives of the community and regions and are contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations.<br>The purpose of this study is to examine the authority of the Supreme Court to conduct an opinion test on the DPRD Decision against the Regional Head and how the process of requesting a DPRD opinion test until the determination of the final decision (Supreme Court decision). This research is a normative legal research using a statutory, concept, and case approach. The collection of legal materials is carried out by conducting literature research. Legal materials are analyzed by quoting and reviewing relevant articles of laws and regulations. In contrast, the opinions of scholars quoted are then used as a theoretical basis to answer research questions.<br>Based on the discussion results on the legal issues raised, it can be concluded that the Supreme Court has the authority to review the opinion of the DPRD. It can be taken as an example in the opinion test of the Jember Regency DPRD; the Supreme Court stated that it rejected the Jember Regency DPRD Decree Number 08 of 2020 because it was not supported by data on the submission of the Regent's Opinion in the forum of interpellation rights and questionnaire rights and administrative violations of governance in the field of personnel. The Jember Regent had followed up the preparation of regional apparatus institutions.</p> Shalahudddin Serba Bagus, Rusydi Rusydi, Sholihan Sholihan, Sri Kusdiantinah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peran Media Massa Sekjen DPR RI Dalam Program Berita "TVR 17" <p>This research examines the role of mass media applied by TVR Parliament, which is part of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, through a flagship news program entitled "TVR 17". This research aims to understand the communication approach used in delivering up-to-date information about parliamentary activities to the public. The research method involved content analysis, interviews, and observation of the production and broadcast of "TVR 17". The results of this study are expected to provide an in-depth insight into the role of TVR Parliament mass media in increasing public understanding and participation in the legislative process and public policy. The implications of these findings can make an important contribution in optimizing the role of parliamentary media as a means of transparency and democratic participation in Indonesia.</p> Yonarisman Muhammad Akbar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial Intelligence Through Games for Early Childhood (Case Study: Kindergarten School) <p>This paper intends to see how the development of technology is increasing rapidly until it has penetrated into the world of education, where learning can now be done through games. In the past, games were only known as play tools, solely for entertainment and had no educational elements. But now, games are often used by young children as a learning method and this has been implemented in various schools, especially international schools. In this study, the focus that will be translated is how artificial intelligence through games can increase intelligence and stimulate children in terms of learning. By using qualitative methods with case study studies, it is hoped that this study can add insight to all of us as academics so that we are more open to thoughts and literate about technology which is currently very sophisticated.</p> Dina Fadiyah, Yonarisman Muhammad Akbar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik di Desa Kolam Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan <p>This research aims to examine the leadership role of the Village Head in providing public services in Kolam Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. Analysis was carried out on the current condition of leadership which was considered not good by residents, especially regarding the policy of providing unequal aid. During the previous leadership period, aid was given equally to all levels of society, but after the change in leadership, aid tended to be given only to the young. The impact of this policy is citizens' dissatisfaction with leadership which is considered unresponsive and inclusive of the needs of all levels of society. In-depth evaluation of leadership practices is needed to formulate more inclusive and just policies. Leadership that is fair, equitable and pays attention to community diversity is expected to increase citizen satisfaction and collective prosperity. Concrete and sustainable improvement steps are needed to create better and more equitable public services for all Pool Village residents.</p> Ayu Novidaniati Rusnita, Sulastri Krisdayanti Sinambela, Muhammad Rifai, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Village Head Leadership Function in Teratrai Village Marisa District Pohuwato <p>The purpose of this study is to find out the Leadership Function of the Village Head in Teratrai Village of Marisa District of Pohuwato District This research was carried out for approximately 2 months. This type of research author chooses a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach, which is research that aims to provide an overview of the application of the principle of good governance in The Lotus Village of Marisa District of Pohuwato Regency. Informants as many as 13 informants consisting of the village head and the device 11 people and the community 2 people. Research Results: 1) Instructive Function, Lotus Village Head has been shown through communication that has been built with the apparatus intensely so that this function takes place well, where the Village Head as the person in charge of the implementation of government in charge of the implementation of government communicates intensely with all the apparatus in the Village, through the implementation of the duties and functions of each apparatus. 2). Consultative Function, Implementation of the consultative function of the Lotus Village Head has been carried out well by the Village Head with all elements and apparatus as implementers of government administration in Lotus village. 3) Participation Function, Leadership of Lotus Village Head can be described through the partition function that in leading and carrying out the election in Lotus Village trying to involve people actively in the administration of government. The people in question are village officials who become co-workers in the Lotus village government organization. The apparatus is involved in every policy taken through the contribution of thoughts, ideas and direct involvement in the implementation of village government. Exchanging information in each policy carried out jointly.4) Delegation Function, the Village Head performs this function in accordance with the expectations of all elements in the village. 5). Lotus Village Head Control Function carries it out through the provision of work responsibilities to the village apparatus accompanied by supervision in carrying out the duties and authorities carried out by the Village apparatus.</p> Umar Sune, Rusni Djafar, Rival Ismail ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUASI KINERJA PEGAWAI KANTOR DESA DALAM UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PELAYANAN PUBLIK DI DESA TANJUNG LEIDONG <p>The aim of this research is to find out how village office employees perform in efforts to optimize public services in Tanjung Leidong Village. This research is qualitative research which prioritizes an empirical juridical approach. The empirical juridical approach is intended to analyze problems by combining materials in the form of secondary data with primary data obtained in the field, namely regarding the implementation of the work plan for the Tanjung Leidong village government. The types and sources of data used in this research are divided into primary data (interviews, observations) and secondary data obtained from library materials. All data that has been collected by researchers is carried out in an analysis process based on performance standards according to Sumoroto, namely efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and responsiveness. Based on the results of the analysis related to the problems above, the researcher concluded that the performance of the Tanjung Leidong Village government in discussing and preparing village government work plans has not been implemented well, this is influenced by several factors, namely the lack of cooperation between village government institutions, the existence of programs work that is not on target, the village government is less responsive in absorbing the aspirations and desires of the village community.</p> Relly Tamba, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DAMPAK MONEY POLITIC TERHADAP PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMILU DI DESA LAU CIMBA, KABUPATEN KARO <p>Elections are a democratic process in which citizens choose their leaders or representatives in a country. This process is carried out periodically in accordance with applicable laws and is the right of every citizen to participate in determining the direction of the country's leadership. The increase in community political participation in Lau Cimba village is indeed due to the community's high enthusiasm for political awareness, almost all people have understood the importance of elections and have begun to participate in general elections. One of the problems that always arises in the implementation of elections is money politics. The involvement of money to win political power in elections has many negative impacts. Money politics is not only given to those (people) who have voting rights, but also to the holders of people's power. This is what causes power to be not in the hands of the people but in the hands of “money”. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, namely the formulation of problems that guide research to explore or portray the social situation to be studied thoroughly, broadly and deeply. Where this research displays the data as it is without the process of manipulation or other treatments. The purpose of this research is to present a complete picture of an event or intended to expose and clarify a phenomenon that occurs.</p> Eka Mei Riska Br Sitepu, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Aparatur Pemerintah di Desa Marisa Utara Kecamatan Marisa Kabupaten Pohuwato <p>This research aims to analyze the Village Head's Leadership, as was the initial argument in this research, that village officials and village heads are the lowest basis for community services. The high or low quality of the services provided does not only depend on the performance of village officials as subordinates, but also the leaders. A person's leadership will determine the progress or decline and life or death of the organization they lead. Village governments, like central and regional governments, are required to provide maximum service to the community and be able to respond to the increasingly high demands of the community, both in terms of quality and quantity. Considering the importance of leadership as a determining factor in the success or failure of an organization and business, this research aims to see how the Village Head's leadership efforts are in increasing the productivity of the performance of the apparatus and how the leadership of the Village Head is related to increasing the productivity of the performance of the Village Government Apparatus in North Marisa, Marisa sub-district, Pohuwato district. . With this type of qualitative research, the research informants are the village head and village officials, data collection using documentation techniques, observation and in-depth interviews. The data analysis used consists of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the Head of North Marisa Village applies several approaches such as a democratic approach, this approach makes it easier for leaders to develop responsibilities such as involving employees in decision making, but not only that, the Head of North Marisa Village also applies other leadership approaches such as laissez leadership. faire (free reign) and charismatic. Then it is strengthened by several factors such as personal factors, team factors and leadership factors, and the most dominant of these three factors is the leadership factor because with the presence of a leader there is someone who provides encouragement, input and guidance to subordinates or officers in their work.</p> Hasman Umuri, Edy Sijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Program KM-Kampus Merdeka Bagi Mahasiswa PPKn FIS UNIMED Batch <p>This research investigates the challenges faced by students participating in the Kampus Mengajar (KM) program in schools. Through an in-depth qualitative analysis, it was found that these challenges include mismatched expectations, lack of understanding from both the university and school parties, and practical obstacles in the program's implementation. Solution-oriented steps such as enhancing communication, training, and collaboration are proposed to address these challenges. The findings of this research provide valuable insights for improving the effectiveness of the KM program and enhancing the quality of education at the primary and secondary school levels.</p> Muhammad Yoga Pratama, Ayu Novidaniati Rusnita, Octa Vioni Pinem, Theresia J.R Saragih, Julia Ivana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Challenge of Identity Politics in The 2024 Election <p>Identity and representation are two significant things in human life. While religion and ethnicity are two things that become the identity and representation of humans. The democratic process in Indonesia is inseparable from the political orientation of identity and representation. This research is qualitative in nature, focusing on the case of the 2018-2022 DKI Regional Election in the second round. The case will be analyzed using the theory of identity politics and political representation. The results show that identity politics orientation and political representation affect the democratic process. Democratization that upholds freedom is the basis for every individual to actualize themselves, including in political matters. The individual freedom guaranteed by the constitution in Indonesia reflects the high popularity of this democratic system. However, this freedom has ultimately made the divide between identities (religion, ethnicity, language, gender, etc.) in Indonesia clearer, especially in relation to the nation's political issues. The issue of religion and nationalism are two identities that are currently being debated in Indonesia. The polemics of identity politics are increasingly tapering until the emergence of truth claims that one interest group is better than other interest groups, this interest affair then begins to divide the nation that previously upheld differences.</p> Imam Fadli, Mugito Mugito, Noman Kresna Martha Sena, Nikmatus Syarofah, Eva Nur Laily Rohmah, AHMAD SHOLIKIN ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 11 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING THE PARTICIPATION OF GEN Z IN DEVELOPING LAU DENDANG VILLAGE, PERCUT SEI TUAN DISTRICT <p>The aim of this research is to analyze the participation of Generation Z in development efforts in Laut Dendang Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. This research aims to understand the role and contribution of Generation Z in various village development activities, including social, economic and environmental aspects. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach with al case study method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Research informants consisted of Generation Z members who actively participated in village activities, community leaders, and village government. The data analysis technique used is thematic analysis, where data is coded and grouped based on themes relevant to Generation Z's participation in village development. The research results show that Gen Z has the opportunity to actively participate in increasing the involvement of rural communities in the village decision-making process. They can disseminate easily accessible, educational content to rural communities using social media platforms. For example, create infographics, share informational articles, and hold discussions about politics.</p> Dies L Tobing, Dian Uli Anatasia L Tobing, Fretty Luciana Gurning, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AN ERROR ANALYSIS IN USING SIMPLE PAST TENSE OF NARRATIVE TEXT IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>The objective of the research was to find out the kinds of error in using simple past tense of narrative text and dominant error made by the first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Buntulia. This research employed descriptive research. The population of the research was the first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Buntulia. The sample consisted of 20 students taken from each class in Academic Year 2023/2024. The data were collected through the students’ written test of narrative. The result of the research showed that there were 374 total error that the students made which were classified into four categories based on surface strategy taxonomy (SST). The error of omission was 90 errors, the error of addition was 48 errors, the errors of misformation was231 errors and the errors of misordering was 5 errors. The dominant error of the students were in misformation category. It can be seen from the percentage of the result where misformation were 62%, then followed by the error of omission with 24%, the error of addition with 13%, and the error of misordering with 1%. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Buntulia had many errors in writing narrative text especially in using simple past tense. The students need more practice in using simple past tense in order to make them familiar with it and they can arrange a good narrative text.</p> Hisasmaria Hisasmaria ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 28 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Budaya Politik Dan Perilaku Memilih Masyarakat Pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa Di Desa Perdamean Kecamatan Tanjung Morawa Kabupaten Deli Serdang <p>This study aims to describe the political culture of the Perdamean Village community in the direct village head election in 2023. In addition, it is also to describe the voting behavior of the Perdamean Village community directly in 2023 in Deli Serdang Regency, Tanjung Morawa District. This type of research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The subject of the research is the people of Perdamean Village. The method of data collection in this study uses the method of observation in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that the political culture of the people of perdamean village tends to lead to a participant political culture because the people of perdamean village participate in determining their voting rights and they get quite a lot of information about political life from TV, media, newspapers, news and socialize with peers in coffee shops about politics even though some people are from elementary school education but they like to discuss politics in coffee shops. However, there are also people who are reluctant to participate because they are busy with their work. Few people are reluctant to voice their right to vote. However, the pattern of voting behavior in Perdamean Village tends to lead to critical voting behavior rather than sociological and psychological voting behavior.</p> Donita Simanungkalit, Sthepany Tobing, Wulan Ayu Trisna, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kolaborasi antara Pemerintah dan Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan di Desa Percut Sei Tuan Dusun 1 <p>Collaboration between the government and the community is a crucial factor in achieving sustainable development in Percut Sei Tuan Dusun 1 Village. This research examines various forms of collaboration in the aspects of infrastructure improvement, local economic development, social and cultural empowerment, participation in planning and decision making, and environmental management. The findings show that the synergy between village government policies and active community participation resulted in significant progress. Community involvement in planning and implementing village programs creates more targeted and inclusive development, and strengthens a sense of shared ownership and responsibility. This collaboration model was identified as a best practice that can be replicated by other villages in an effort to achieve shared prosperity and sustainable development.</p> Anjelina Pasaribu, Agnes Sitanggang, Julia Ivanna ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000