PENTAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia <p><strong>PENTAS</strong> : <strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia</strong> is a journal published by Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan This journal which is published twice a year provides a room for researchers, academists, professionals, practicians, and students to deliver and share various knowledge in forms of research articles, as well as research results or qualified theoretical studies such as case studies, analysis or book review about linguistics, literature and teaching.</p> en-US <p><strong>Authors who publish with PENTAS agree to the following terms:</strong><br><br>Authors retain copyright and grant the Engagement right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0)</a>&nbsp;that allows others to&nbsp;<strong>share</strong>&nbsp;(copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and&nbsp;<strong>adapt&nbsp;</strong>(remix, transform, and build upon the material) the work for any purpose, even commercially with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in <strong>PENTAS </strong>.<br><br>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in <strong>PENTAS </strong>.<br><br>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).</p> <div class="item copyright"><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a> <p>This work is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> </div> (Miftahul Huda, M. Pd.) (Iib Marzuqi) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 ANALISIS WACANA LISAN DALAM INTERAKSI GURU DAN SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONEISA DI SMP AL-KARIMAH <p>This research aims to describe the structure of oral discourse used by teachers in the interaction of teachers and students in the classroom during the learning process. This research was conducted at SMP AL-KARIMAH with the object of research as many as 29 students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained are oral discourse used by teachers and students during the learning process. The technique is using the listening and note-taking technique. The findings of this study are (1) initial/abstract. The teacher gives a prefix in the form of greeting. (2) Center/orientation. There are exchanges and transactions. the teacher gives an introduction to a question, the answer to an answer. And feedback based on answers in the form of questions. The start of the transaction by the teacher is marked by the teacher explaining something to the students, then directing students to focus on learning, and the teacher provoking students to provide feedback about what was discussed at that time. (3) End/Code. The teacher gives conclusion and closing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wahid Rhomadon Pratama, Sri Utami ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:00:16 +0000 ANALISIS GAYA BAHASA SINDIRAN PADA FILM NGERI-NGERI SEDAP <p>This study aims to describe the style of satirical language used by the story writer in the Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap movie. The story writer presents the characteristics of the Batak ethnicity seen from the choice of words spoken or the style of language when communicating with each other as well as conveying social criticism of the Batak ethnicity. This research is a qualitative research using the novel Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap The researcher uses the interactive data analysis model of Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. There are 19 dialogue data from the film which use 6 types of satirical language styles, namely 4 expressions of cynicism, 3 expressions of irony, 11 expressions of sarcasm, 1 expression of melosis and antiphrasis, and 2 expressions of satire. Of the six types of satirical language styles, sarcasm is the type of satire that is most often found in the film, Horrifyingly Horrible.</p> Livia Karmelia Cahyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:35:46 +0000 Dina KAJIAN PSIKOLINGUISTIK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA (STUDI PUSTAKA) <p>Bahasa memiliki peran penting bagi kehidupan kita dalam sehari-hari maka dari itu bahasa memiliki fungsi dan peran. Psikolinguistik termasuk ilmu yang menjelaskan proses-proses psikologis yang terjadi karena manusia mewujudkan kalimat dan memahami kalimat yang didengar ketika sedang berkomunikasi dan cara manusia dalam memperoleh bahasa. Dengan memahami psikolinguistik guru dapat melihat, menelaah, dan mengevaluasi proses yang terjadi dalam diri siswa ketika belajar bahasa sehingga apabila dalam prosesnya terjadi suatu kesalahan, guru dapat mengamatinya melalui ilmu psikologi dalam tiga ranah, yaitu kognitif, psikomotorik, dan afektif. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah library research (studi kepustakaan). Studi pustaka ini dilakukan dengan berfokus kepada kajian psikolinguistik pada pengajaran atau pembelajaran bahasa yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya psikolinguistik terhadap pembelajaran bahasa. Teknik pengolahan data pada penelitian yaitu, dengan melakukan observasi, mereview, mencatat dan mengumpulkan data yang relevan yang sesuai dengan objek kajian pada penelitian ini. Pembelajaran bahasa dapat dikatakan mencakup dua hal, yaitu bahasa dan kegiatan berbahasa. Kegiatan berbahasa yang dilakukan siswa pada dasarnya berlangsung secara mekanistik dan mentalistik. Masalah-masalah pembelajaran bahasa akan muncul dari setiap komponen pembelajaran yang meliputi: siswa, guru, kurikulum, lingkungan tempat belajar, dan sarana/prasarana. Tujuan utama pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa, yaitu agar siswa mampu berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan bahasa yang baik dan benar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dina Aprilia, N.Yeffa Afnita Apriliyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:45:42 +0000 RELASI MAKNA ANTONIMI DAN SINONIMI DALAM CERPEN ROBOHNYA SURAU KAMI KARYA A.A. NAVIS <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between synonymy and antonym in the short story The Collapse of Our Surau. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a semantic approach. The theory used in this study is the theory of semantic meaning relations. The technique used is the technique of observing and noting. The data of this research is the short story book The Collapse of Our Surau by A.A. Navis. This research instrument is in the form of documentation from the short story book The Collapse of Our Surau. The results of this study explain that there are 30 types of synonymous and antonymic meaning relations. The 20 synonyms that have meaning relations include 3 free and bound morpheme synonyms, 7 word synonyms for words, 1 word synonym for phrases, 4 phrase synonyms for phrases, and 5 word synonyms for clauses. The meaning of antonymy has 10 relations including 4 absolute antonymy relations, 1 relative antonymy or polar opposition, 1 directional antonymy, 3 relational antonyms, and 1 compound antonymy.</p> Dora Hatika Pertiwi, Neneng Nurjanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:52:19 +0000 PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN BERPIDATO PERSUASIF DENGAN METODE SPEAKING TEAM PADA SISWA KELAS IX B MTS NEGERI 2 LAMONGAN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2023/2024 <p>This research aims to improve persuasive speech skills using the speaking team method in class IX B students at MTs Negeri 2 Lamongan. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the type of classroom action research. This research was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle is designed and implemented with the steps 1) planning, 2) action, 3) observation, and 4) reflection. The data source in the research is the implementation of the persuasive speech learning process which took place in class IX B MTs Negeri 2 Lamongan, while the data in the research is in the form of scores obtained by students during the persuasion speech learning implementation. Data is analyzed by calculating certain statistics such as averages which are explained using tables. The results of the research showed that students' persuasive speech abilities increased on average in cycle 1 by 74%, including in the fair category, increasing to 91% in cycle 2, including in the good category.</p> Zumrotul Ilmiyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:56:44 +0000 GEJALA CAMPUR KODE CERAMAH K.H. ANWAR ZAHID DI YOU TUBE ANZHA CHANEL DALAM RANGKA BERSHOLAWAT DAN PENGAJIAN AKBAR BALONG BLORA <p><em>This research aims to uncover the issues of code mixing in the speeches of K.H. Anwar Zahid on YouTube during religious lectures and grand recitations at Balong Blora. The code mixing involves the incorporation of Indonesian language into English, Arabic, and Javanese. The study on K.H. Anwar Zahid utilizes a qualitative descriptive method with a Sociolinguistic approach. The data for this research includes various forms of code mixing, such as words and phrases. The manifestations of code mixing occur in speeches delivered in Indonesian, English, and Javanese during religious lectures. Data are obtained from video documentation on the YouTube channel, and the data collection technique involves documentation. The data analysis technique employs the interactive model by Miles Huberman. The research findings describe the forms of code mixing, including words and phrases. The code mixing is observed in speeches delivered in Indonesian, English, Arabic, and Javanese during religious lectures. The research also provides a description of the factors contributing to the occurrence of code mixing.</em></p> Sutardi Sutardi, Ernaningsih Ernaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:59:26 +0000 Analisis Campur Kode dalam Novel Dikta dan Hukum Karya Dhia <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui wujud campur kode pada suatu tuturan dialog dalam novel Dikta dan Hukum. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik yang dipakai yaitu teknik dokumenter dengan membaca terlebih dahulu isi novel hingga mencatat hal-hal penting yang merupakan wujud campur kode dalam novel tersebut. Wujud campur kode dalam novel Dikta dan Hukum lebih dominan menghasilkan wujud kata, frasa, maupun klausa. Pada penelitian ini lebih sering ditemukan wujud kata pada campur kode, yaitu kata dari bahasa Sunda dan bahasa Inggris. Penulis lebih banyak menuliskan kata-kata dari bahasa Sunda dan bahasa Inggris karena penulis lebih memahami bahasa tersebut selain bahasa Indonesia. Campur kode wujud kata kerap digunakan oleh masyarakat karena memang bentuknya lebih mudah atau pada tataran paling bawah.</p> Sari Ani, Tarissa Anggraeni Febrianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 04:13:02 +0000