Digitalisasi Materi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Generasi Z yang Islami

  • Umi Masluhah
Keywords: Digitalization, Character, Generation Z


The increasingly strong use of digital technology has an influence on the world of education, especially generation Z who are referred to as digital natives, meaning that the internet has become a part of life because they have been surrounded by the internet from the womb to the beginning of birth. This research is a qualitative research with a discriptive method of analysis, which  will examine the digitalization of learning materials using conventional book media combined with  video  barcode scans, which later the learning material will become more interesting so that students can understand the message or material conveyed in the video  aforementioned. The result of this research is that the digitalization of  Islamic Religious Education material at SDI AR Roudhoh  is to collaborate learning materials in conventional media packaged in the  form of LKS  books with  digital learning media  in the form of sparkol videos  or vidioscribes that are broadcast on  television  or smartphones, and with this learning  media  students have a high interest in  understand the learning material using the media.  So that students are able to understand the learning material  well and can apply the  value of Islamic  education in everyday  life


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How to Cite
Masluhah, U. (2021). Digitalisasi Materi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Generasi Z yang Islami. EDU-RELIGIA : Jurnal Keagamaan Dan Pembelajarannya, 4(1), 30-37. Retrieved from