MEDIA DIDAKTIKA <p><strong>MEDIA DIDAKTIKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran,&nbsp;</strong>The journal is published by the Postgraduate Program of Islamic University Darul Ulum (Unisda) Lamongan as a medium of information and dissemination of research results, theoretical developments, and scientific papers on education and learning. This journal is published twice a year: May and November; first published in May 2015.</p> Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Darul `Ulum Lamongan en-US MEDIA DIDAKTIKA 2459-9611 PENINGKATAN PRESTASI BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF MODEL LEARNING BY DOING <p><em>This research </em><em>was aimed to; (1) increase the ability of researcher in the scientific thinking on learning </em><em>English, (2) increase the motivation to learn English in the </em><em>eightth graders-E </em><em>of the first state yunior high school at Kalitengah </em><em>in writing and speaking</em><em> skill, and (3) determine an increase</em><em> of English learning </em><em>in &nbsp;writing and speaking </em><em>skill in the eightth graders E of the first state yunior high school at Kalitengah through Learning by Doing. The subjects of </em><em>the research were the </em><em>eightth graders-E </em><em>of the first state yunior high school at Kalitengah in the academic year 2014/2015. Th</em><em>e research was conducted in February 2015. The material presented </em><em>was Text Procedure, short functional text such as: Announcement and short message. The result </em><em>of the study </em><em>was the cooperative learning</em><em> model Learning By Doing </em><em>had a positive impact in improving student achievement marked by increased mastery learning students in each cycle, the first cycle of 61.76%, 79.41% the second cycle, the third cycle 93.93%. Based on these data we c</em><em>ould conclude that although the results of student learning not achieve maximum results, but it indicate</em><em>d </em><em>the change towards a better direction. Thus the students' ability to understand the content of reading English texts and communicate through cooperative learning methods Learning By Doing models ha</em><em>d been increased.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Basuki Basuki ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2017-11-30 2017-11-30 3 2 1 8 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5702 MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PKn MELALUI METODE PEMBERIAN TUGAS DAUR ULANG <p>The purposes of the study were (1) to describe the civics learning process by giving the recycling task method and (2) to describe an increase of civics students' learning achievement by giving the recycling task. The study was conducted at the first graders of the state elementary school of Tukkerto, Deket – Lamongan, which was designed to&nbsp; classroom action research (PTK) within three cycles. Each cycle was done through four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students in the first cycle in the average value of 61.50 with students’ learning mastery of 45.00%, in the second cycle increased to 65.75 with 60.00% completeness, and the third cycle increased to 71.37 with thoroughness 87.50%. These results recommended that the implementation of recycling task can improve civics learning achievement.</p> Rokanah Rokanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2017-11-30 2017-11-30 3 2 9 15 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5703 MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PAI MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOLABORASI <p>The study was aimed to (1) describe the Islamic Education (PAI) learning process through collaborative learning model and (2) describes the learning achievement of PAI through collaborative learning model. The study was conducted at the sixth graders of state elementary school Weduni, Deket – Lamongan, which was designed to classroom action research (PTK) within three cycles. Each cycle was done through four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results showed that the students’ achievement has increased from cycle I to III, that was the first cycle (73.17%), Cycle II (82.93%), and the third cycle (95.12%). The results showed that the method of collaborative learning can improve Islamic education learning achievement.</p> Atekan Atekan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2017-11-30 2017-11-30 3 2 16 23 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5704 MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR BIDANG BIMBINGAN PRIBADI DAN SOSIAL MATERI PENTINGNYA MENGATUR WAKTU DI SEKOLAH <p><em>Counseling services that use a lot of verbal, would be boring, otherwise the teaching and guidance counseling or services would be more interesting if the students excited to learn or happy because they feel interested and understand the material </em><em>received</em><em> the services. Thus the learning activities will be more effective. Phenomena mentioned above, encourage researcher to undert</em><em>ook</em><em> an action research (action research) in Counseling services using information services in </em><em>seventh A graders</em><em>. </em><em>The presentation result</em><em> of </em><em>the data research</em><em> prove</em><em>d</em><em> that the service information in Guidance Counseling services, c</em><em>ould</em><em> increase students' motivation in Guidance Counseling services that affect the interest of students </em><em>in the seventh A graders of the the first state yunior high school</em> <em>Kalitengah Lamongan in following Counseling services</em>.</p> M Yusuf ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2017-11-30 2017-11-30 3 2 24 32 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5707 PENGEMBANGAN BUKU KUMPULAN CERITA ANAK DAERAH LAMONGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KARAKTER SISWA SD <p><em>The purpose of the research development of the Regional Children's story book Lamongan set were (1) to describe the process of the development of the Regional Children's story book at Lamongan to Improve the students in elementary school; (2) describe the quality of the Regional Children's story book at Lamongan, (3) to Improve the students in elementary school’s character developed, based on (a) the appropriateness of content, (b) the feasibility of presentation, (c) the feasibility of the language, (d) the feasibility of graphic; (3) describe the implementation storybook developed, including (a) the teachers’ activities, (b) students’ activities, (c) the students’ achievement, (d) the supporting factors, and (e) limiting factor when implementing the Regional Children's story book at Lamongan. The research was the development study . The results of the research was a products of Children's story book Lamongan which had been developed consisting of three phases, (1) the definition (2) designing and (3) development. Instruments used to collect the data included validation sheet (expert Indonesian, learning experts Indonesian, Indonesian teacher, and expert graphic), </em></p> Sriati Sriati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2017-11-30 2017-11-30 3 2 33 42 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5708 EFEKTIVITAS PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE THINK PAIRS SHARE (TPS) MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA FLASH PLAYER PADA MATERI FAKTORISASI SUKU ALJABAR <p><em>Education as an integral part of community life in the global era should be able to provide and facilitate the growth of </em><em>intele</em><em>ctual skills, social and personal. But apparently there </em><em>were still many problems that arise in th</em><em>e school, including the following: the method used in mathematic instruction </em><em>was lectures, discussion, and discussion, </em><em>it had never </em><em>implement cooperative learning model Think Pairs Share, and ha</em><em>d never been implementing instructional media flash player. From the results of learning activities that h</em><em>ad been performed for two cycles, and based the entire discussion and analysis ha</em><em>d been done can be summarized as follows: (1) The type of cooperative learning model TPS (think pair share) with flash media player ha</em><em>d a positive impact in improving student achievement marked by increased mastery learning students in each cycle, that cycle I = 58.3% and cycle II = 88.9 %; (2) The implementation of cooperative learning model TPS (think pair share) with flash media player ha</em><em>d a positive influence</em>.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>, </em><em>,&nbsp;</em></p> Sukirno Sukirno ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 3 2 43 52 10.52166/didaktika.v3i2.5709