DEARSIP, Journal of Architecture and Civil was first published  by Department of Architecture and Civil, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Darul Ulum, Lamongan. It is a SINTA 5 accredited journal by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education under Decree number 79/E/KPT/2023 dated 11 May 2023 starting Vol 1, No 1, May 2021 valid for 5 years.  As the name implies, this journal has a mission as a medium for the development of science and technology, especially in architecture and planning studies. JAP has broad topics of writing, ranging from technology of building, architecture, city design, to urban environmental planning and its derivations. The coverage of writing in DEARSIP starts from theories to practices, and they are well-writen according to the correct scientific writing rules. JAP is planned to publish twice a year May and November.