Madani Jurnal Politik dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan <p>MADANI Journal is a peer reviewed journal published by Faculty of Social and Political Science, Darul Ulum Islamic University of Lamongan. This journal welcomes articles that focus on community, culture, and politics. The disciplines of interest encompass&nbsp; Public Administration, Business Administration, politics, history, social and physical anthropology, public policy, globalization, education, poverty and growth, leadership and social issues. This journal published quarterly and has been certified as a Scientific Journal by Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education RISTEKDIKTI, ISSN 2620-8857 (media online) since 2018 with the frequency of issuance 3 times a year (february, august and december).</p> <p>Submissions must be&nbsp;<strong>original work</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>have&nbsp;never been previously published</strong>. Research manuscripts&nbsp;are preferred. This should be proved by sending&nbsp;<strong>Author's Statement&nbsp;</strong>through email. The chief editor&nbsp;<strong>will not process</strong>&nbsp;author's submission (whether in e-mail or in OJS submission menu) unless this statement letter is attached.&nbsp;</p> en-US (ACHMAD DEDY YUSUF EFFENDI) (FISIP UNISDA LAMONGAN) Thu, 07 Mar 2024 05:53:22 +0000 OJS 60 Strategi Biro Pemberitaan Parlemen DPR RI Menghadapi Berita Negatif di Media Massa <p>The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) plays a vital role and significant contribution in the areas of legislation, budgeting, and oversight. This institution is known as the "house of the people" as it serves as a place for representatives to channel the aspirations of the public. However, various recent data indicates that the image of this representative institution tends to be negative. DPR RI often receives unfavorable media coverage, ranging from performance issues to problems such as members' absence from sessions. There is a significant challenge for this institution to convince the public to have a high and dominant perception of it in a positive light. The Parliament News Bureau holds the role of public relations, being at the forefront of providing information and disseminating positive news about DPR RI's performance. This research focuses on the strategies employed by the Parliament News Bureau in handling negative news about the DPR RI in the mass media. The study is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis. Data is gathered from in-depth interviews with the Head of the Parliament News Bureau, documents, and literature studies. The results of this research show that the Parliament News Bureau focuses on generating positive news and disseminating it through various mass media channels and digital platforms such as television, radio, and social media. Additionally, the Parliament News Bureau continuously monitors the mass media to stay updated on news related to the institution and its members.</p> Yonarisman Muhammad Akbar, Raesita Rakhmawati Rosadi, Ida Royandiah, Mohamad Fajar Haqi Ismaya, Dina Fadiyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Transparansi dan Integritas dalam Pemilihan Umum: Upaya Mencegah Kecurangan dan Manipulasi <p>Transparency and integrity are two important principles that must be upheld in the implementation of general elections. Cases of fraud that occurred in the 2019 elections such as the practice of money politics in the form of distributing money and goods (cooking oil, rice, sugar, headscarves), distributing umroh coupons such as the case that ensnared Mandala Shoji (DPR-RI candidate from PAN) and Lucky Andriani (DKI DPRD candidate from PAN). The case of voting more than once was carried out by Ridwan Benseh as an KPPS member at TPS 08 Paru Village, Bandar Baru District, Pidie Jaya Regency. Transparency and integrity is one way to prevent fraud and manipulation from occurring in general elections. The research method in this article is to use qualitative methods, qualitative methods are defined as social science research methods that collect and analyze data in the form of words. Efforts made to prevent fraud and manipulation in general elections improve the quality of election management institutions, participatory supervision of the community, the use of information technology to increase transparency.</p> Juwita Juwita, Muhammad Soultan Joefrian, Andri Rusta, Irawati Irawati, Mhd Fajri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An Analysis of English Vowels Pronunciation by The Third Semester Students of Pohuwato University <p>This research is about an analysis of English vowels pronounciation made by the third semester students of Pohuwato University. The researcher focused on the pronounciation of English pure vowels. This research investigated the types of error in English vowels pronunciation and to find out the common error in English vowels pronunciation made by the third semester students of Pohuwato University. This research was descriptive qualitative. The sample of the research was 20 students from the third semester students of Pohuwato University. The instruments used were test and recordings. The data analysis showed that most of the third semester students’ error pronunciation is substitution, for example the word improve /ɪm’pru:v/ the students pronounced /ɪm’pro:v/. It means that the vowel /u:/, is substituted by vowel /o:/. The second is insertion, for example the word simple /’sɪmpl/ the students pronounced /sɪmpel/. It means that there is an addition of vowel /e/. The third is ommision, for example the word update /ʌpdeɪt/, /ʌp’deɪt/ the students pronounced /apdet/, it can be stated that the vowel /ɪ/ is ommited. The most common error English vowel pronunciation made by the third semester students of Pohuwato University is substitution.</p> Hisasmaria Hisasmaria ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik melalui Penerapan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Desa yang Efektif di Desa Pucangro <p>Village government plays an important role in running and managing government at the village level, with the aim of creating a democratic life and good social services to ensure that the community is safe, peaceful, and just. The purpose of this study is to define the improvement of the quality of public services through the implementation of effective village governance carried out by the Pucangro village government. The method used in writing research is qualitative method. This research data is in the form of primary data obtained from interviews and secondary data derived from several literatures. The data obtained is then analyzed with triangulation techniques to check the credibility of the data, various methods are used to check data from the same source. The result of this study is that the Pucangro village government implements improvements in the quality of public services by preparing the Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM), increasing transparency and accountability, involving the community in decision making, increasing the competence of Village Apparatus Human Resources and improving public service performance.</p> Zuli Kasmawanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PATOLOGI BIROKRASI DALAM PELAYANAN PUBLIK Studi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Kantor Kecamatan Pucuk Kabupaten lamongan <p>Bureaucracy is an important instrument in society whose presence is inevitable. Bureaucracy is a logical consequence of the acceptance of the hypothesis that the State has a sacred mission, namely to prosper its people. The purpose of this research is to find out the forms of bureaucratic pathology and efforts to overcome bureaucratic pathology in population administration services at the Pucuk District Office.<br>This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. This research uses a case in Pucuk Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency, to explore the forms of bureaucratic pathology and efforts to overcome them. In this case study, informants were determined using purposive sampling technique. The data collected was analyzed through a process of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification.<br>As for the results of research and data analysis conducted by researchers, in Public Services at the Pucuk District Office, Lamongan Regency is running well. This can be seen from the implementation process which is in accordance with the principles of good governance that must be applied, such as community participation in various sub-district activity programs. The form of transparency provided is also quite good and effective, such as providing the widest possible information about public services both through sheets of paper and through media such as the internet. Accountability provided to the community is also quite good even though it has not been implemented optimally, such as the lack of funds in the implementation of various activities.</p> Midkholus Surur, Yendra Erison, Mahmud Aprian Mabruri, Alif Firdaus Zam Zam, Ferdi Edreyan Indra Wanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi yang Meninggal Dunia <p>According to the law, the perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption can be held accountable through the heirs of the criminals who died through civil lawsuits. However, in practice there are conflicting principles of criminal law due to the transfer of the lawsuit into a civil lawsuit. Just like the responsibility that should be criminal liability will become civil liability. The analysis in this paper explains what is unclear about religious blasphemy and links it to the principle of legality. The sources used are not only primary sources such as statutory regulations, but also secondary sources such as journals or articles on the internet.</p> Shalahudin Serba Bagus, Adam Wildan Mubarak ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN IMIGRASI KELAS 1 KOTA MALANG DALAM MENANGANI TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA ILEGAL (SELUNDUPAN NON PROSEDURAL) (Studi Pada Kantor Imigrasi Kelas 1 Kota Malang) <p>This research aims to find out and analyze the role of Class I Immigration in Malang City in terms of its services to help handle and prevent Indonesian workers or what are usually called TKI from being illegally smuggled non-procedurally. Around 3 thousand Malang City residents leave every year to become Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) to the Asia Pacific region. This figure is data officially written at the Malang City Manpower Service (Disnaker). Meanwhile, for non-procedural or illegal PMIs which are managed by Private Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Implementers (PPTKIS) outside the region or fake ones. This research uses the Qualitative Descriptive Method and adopts analysis from the New Public Management Theory in the services provided and determines the role of Class I Immigration in Malang City. From this research, the results were obtained and that the services provided were good in accordance with the applicable SOP, but the obstacles that occurred lay in the individual members of the community who would become migrant workers. It is hoped that in the future the Class I Immigration of Malang City will be able to more discipline in examining documents that are prone to being fake and the need for cross-sector integration between several related agencies or departments in carrying out their duties. No less important is socializing the dangers of illegal migrant workers to the public in order to raise public awareness of the process of becoming Indonesian workers.</p> Mahmud Aprian Mabruri, Midkholus Surur, Yendra Erison, Alif Firdaus Zam Zam, M Nizam Ardiansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 “Leadership and Smart Environment Policy” Studi Kasus Implementasi Smart Environment di Pekanbaru <p>This research aims to analyze Leadership and Smart Environment Policy: A Case Study Implementation of Smart Environment in Pekanbaru. One of the problems that is still a frightening threat to the sustainability of the environment and people's lives in the future. Pekanbaru City is one of the big cities in Indonesia, located in Riau Province. With the significant increase in population, the environmental problems experienced in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province are very complex, starting from the accumulation of rubbish, floods, forest fires, pollution and so on. The research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a library research approach as the basis for researchers in this journal, by conducting in-depth reviews of national journals and references that are reputable and can be accounted for in the accuracy of data information. The result of this research is the application of a smart environment to create an environment that provides comfort for its residents, beauty for those who see it both materially and immaterially, and resource conservation in an effort to reduce urban waste can be said to be successful. So it can create a smart environment. The aim of a smart environment is to be able to change a colony that was originally dirty, smelly and filthy into a colony that is clean, comfortable and attractive. Therefore, a smart environment policy is needed to create a green city in Pekanbaru City.</p> Yendra Erison, Ahmad Sholikin, Midkholus Surur, Mahmud Aprian Mabruri, Halimur Rosyid, Nur Habibah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Urgensi Musyawarah-mufakat dalam Pemenuhan Hak dan Informasi Publik, Melihat Fenomena dari Sudut Pandang Demokrasi Deliberatif Jurgen Habermas <p>This article tries to reveal community culture again through deliberation and consensus in public spaces which are starting to be displaced by virtual spaces. This loss of public space culture has an impact on the failure to fulfill basic citizen rights, namely the right to know public information. Jurgen Habermas' deliberative democracy opens up discussion and context efforts in the public space to educate the public so that they have access to information on issues of common life. Activities through this process can not only be a reference in forming joint policies, but can also be a training for the public to think rationally.</p> Alif Firdaus Zamzam, Midkholus Surur, Mahmud Aprian Mabruri, Halimur Rosyid, Nanda N. Azzahra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Lembaga Penyelenggara dan Pengawasan Pemilihan Umum di Indonesia <p>The 1945 Constitution explains that sovereignty is in the hands of the people and is implemented according to the Constitution. The embodiment of sovereignty in the hands of the people means that those who have the right to choose the leader or government are the people and as a logical consequence those who choose are the people, so the leader must be responsible to the people. In choosing leaders, the people need an institution, in this case the general election commission which is regulated in the 1945 Constitution. The task of the General Election Commission is to carry out or hold general elections to elect leaders. So that election results can be carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly, supervision is needed, in this case the general election supervisory body. On this basis, the results of the general election produce leaders who can properly carry out their duties in accordance with the needs of the people they represent.</p> Moh. Hudi, Restu Syamsariatullah, Nurul Hani, Ririn Novia Hidayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000