• Siti Nur Millah
Keywords: Problem solving ability, triangle, self-directed learning


This study aims to describe the mathematical problem solving of class VII MTs students on triangle material in terms of high, medium, and low self-directed learning levels. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study consisted of 9 students of class VII-A MTs Putra-Putri Simo for the academic year 2020/2021. Determining the subject based on the results of the questionnaire test is SRSSDL (Self-Rating Scale of Self-Directed Learning). The instruments used in this study were the SRSSDL questionnaire, mathematical problem solving ability tests, and interviews. The data used are test results and interview recordings. Analysis of the data that has been carried out the results of this study indicate that: (1) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with independent learning levels have been able to overcome the four problem solving indicators according to Polya, namely understanding the problem, planning problem strategies, carrying out calculations, and re-examining. problem solving results. (2) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with moderate independent learning levels show that they have been able to fulfill indicators 1 and 3 of problem solving according to Polya, namely understanding problems and carrying out calculations. (3) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with low-level independent learning are not able to meet indicators 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to Polya.


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