• dita agustiani iain syekhnurjati cirebon


One of students low motivation and computer skills in learning mathematics is caused by application of learning media which is still rare, with the result that the media need to be used optimally. Computer is one of learning media in mathematics used for this research. The aim of the research is to see the influence of using computer-based learning media towards students’ learning motivation and computer skills. This research used the experimental method in SMAN 1 Astanajapura by One-Shot Case Study design with 32 samples and technique of data collection used observation and questionnaires. The result of this research showed that: (1) Students’ responses toward using computer was in good enough category with a percentage of 70,34%, (2) Students’ learning motivation in learning mathematics was in good enough category with a percentage of 74,77%, (3) Students’ computer skillsin learning mathematics was in good category with a percentage of 73,06%, (4) The result of hypothesis test using the T test between X and Y2 variable was got significant value smaller than 0.05, that was 0.000 so that H0 was rejected meant there was influence between the use of computer-based learning media towards students’ computer skills, between Y1 and Y2 was acquired the significant value greater than 0.05, that was 0.511 so that H0 was received meant there was nothing influence between  students’ learning motivation toward students’ computer skills. Based on the result of the research, the researcher gave suggestions that is necessary to use character education for improving students’ learning motivation and inovation in learning by using computer as learning media, with the result that students are able to increase learning motivation and computer skill in applying it.


Keyword: Computer-based learning media (software Maple), students’ learning motivation, Students’ computer skills.


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