• Fernando Alfonso Junior UN PGRI Kediri
Keywords: Ethnomatematic, Grebeg Suro, Trigonometry


Understanding mathematics in a large dictionary of Indonesian language mathematics is the science of numbers, the relationship between numbers and operational procedures used in solving number problems. Trigonometry is an important mathematical science in everyday life. Trigonometry applications in everyday life cover all fields such as economics, engineering, and more. With trigonometry we can measure the height of a tree at a certain distance without having to climb it. And also trigonometry is to know, understand the shape and formula of a triangle. A triangle consists of 3 sides, namely the front side, side side and the sloping side. One of the main objectives of trigonometric material is to find the value of the angle or length of the side of a triangle. Thus the trigometry application is very important to be studied in the world of education, but in reality students are still having difficulty working on the questions given. From the answers that have been done by students, researchers are inspired to examine using the application of discovery learning models with grebeg suro on student learning outcomes on trigonometry topics. So that students can better understand trigonometry applications that are useful for everyday life.


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